
NONONONONO!!!! Wow, this could be brilliant!!! Set up a proxy server that intercepts Google searches and posts them to Twitter!!! Then you could put this on your network a la Upside-Down-Ternet! Or, more boringly, write an app to do it. Somebody do this ASAP!!!

Just to point something out: Fukushima had problems with the earthquake, yes, and it caused core damage, but the main damage came from the tsunami. These fault lines are nowhere nearly as far offshore. A tsunami works by disturbing a very large square footage of water a few inches (up to 12, according to Wikipedia),

Ah, Giz, how the mighty have fallen. You always had trouble with fact-, grammar-, and spell-checking, but this is just amazing. I'd get a bad grade if I wrote this report for a high-school class.

I think that says it all.

@Harry Manback: Please, seek some help. Psychologists can help. Meds can help. They help many people, every day.

@Anaerin: You can still use liquid crystals to manipulate circularly-polarized light. You just need a quarter wave plate to convert between linear and circular polarization.

@Justin: Close. As I understand it, typical polarization is done with an alternating pattern of linearly polarized light (horizontal/vertical). The problem with this is, when you tilt your head, you have cross-talk. Vertically polarized light becomes "diagonally" polarized light, which can be partially seen through

@GregtheMad: Also, RealD uses circularly-polarized light, which means no cross-talk. So you can't see any of the image intended for your left eye in your right eye. That's the biggest benefit I can see. Tilting your head will still cause problems because the parallax between images will be wrong at that angle, but

@Platypus Man: It's not worth it! I give up. I'm sorry my joke wasn't ambiguous enough to be funny whether Squalor was joking or not, I'm sorry I killed a joke about a joke and then killed my own joke about a joke about a joke, can't we all just gather around the campfire and sing "We SHALL Overcome" and "Kumbaya",

Now playing

@The Squalor and the Fury: *sigh* It's a joke. He got the Buzz Killington award. He was proud of it. You then came along and corrected his grammar. So by saying you came in second for the Buzz Killington award and that you're bitter about it, I'm implying that your correction of his grammar is a snarky way about

@leadingZer0: Thanks. They probably won't though, I have a habit of getting frustrated when they get stuff wrong. I can't imagine Giz staff liking that, lol.

Kyle! Did you even read the letter? That quality control/testing is the LEAST of their problems.

@jdale: If the Tyvek stuff can twist around the hands, it could unfurl itself if it gets too tight.

@MrCheatachu: Mmmm, this is the tricky part, I know a bit about skis, and the tolerance on surface smoothness of their polyethylene will be way different from a sled. I would bet anything that your sled will be nowhere as good as olympic skis from the '50's. Again, it's a surface problem and tricky. So... maybe.

@MrCheatachu: It all depends! If friction dominates the kinematics, and the ice blocks lower the coefficient of friction, it could result in doubling your terminal downhill velocity. (As in, less-friction thing slides faster, which is intuitive.) Gooooooo physics!

@the_Sleepwalker: Lol, um, photographing the guard may be a separate set of issues...

@the_Sleepwalker: Apparently it's legal to photograph the Eiffel Tower during the day, but not at night unless you have a release. The light display at night is a copyrighted work of art.