
@JBu92: Seriously! I spent years looking for a 0.5mm pen that doesn't bleed and writes easily. You'd be surprised just how delicate a combination that criteria gives. I prefer it over literally every pen I've ever used, including super-fancy pens people have given me for graduations, etc.

@fenster1977: Seriously? I say, "Look" when I know I'm about to tell somebody something they'd rather not hear, but need to. As in, "Look, you can't just assume I'm going to live up to your expectations, you're going to have to accept me the way I am."

That's odd... I usually say "well" before I decide to tell an unpleasant truth. Or when I know what I'm about to say is going to make somebody mad at me. And I say it deliberately, to soften the blow, or hopefully to smooth things out a bit. But I don't lie.

@Jakm777: Not good enough. He's an editor.

"Why they had to divert the USS Ronald Reagan instead of having the cruise company deal with the situation is beyond me."

@theGreenCabbage: I highly doubt it. You're talking about a high-school physics problem, and the people who designed the shuttle are highly-trained and intelligent engineers. This is probably literally the first thing they thought of when designing the fuel tanks. Actually, it's such an obvious problem, I bet the

Dude, the first time I was playing with a padlock, I guessed the combo. All I knew was that I had to pass the numbers appropriately, and in which direction, and the thing just popped open. I wasn't expecting it to work, it was pretty cool. But I have a conscience, so I closed the guy's locker right away.

@Taylor Alexander: Yeah, I've worked in laser labs, I'm working on my physics PhD. So I've had the safety training, and been around a Class 3B IR laser, supervised of course, and you have to have the utmost respect and reverence for them. As a rule of thumb, the general public shouldn't be playing with high-powered

Goodness, guys, seriously, if you're going to publish this, you need to put a big warning label somewhere. It's a Class 4 laser, these are extremely dangerous. Every couple of years, there are accidents with Class 3 or 4 lasers at national labs and they get *shut down* until new safety protocols are in place.

Goodness, guys, seriously, if you're going to publish this, you need to put a big warning label somewhere. It's a Class 4 laser, these are extremely dangerous. Every couple of years, there are accidents with Class 3 or 4 lasers at national labs and they get *shut down* until new safety protocols are in place.

@John C. Reid: I have to disagree, Mythbusters aren't that bad. Yeah, they get basic physics wrong sometimes, but they're not physicists. I agree with XKCD.

@freedomweasel, et al: If you don't care about sharing internet, and just want encryption, and don't want to forget the password, make the SSID something like PWis(Insert Password Here). No stickies, no remembering, easy! And you can turn on AP isolation if you're not sharing across the router. (Sorta - draw a

So I can see this being useful for some pictures, but I have a question. Isn't the point of shooting at the golden hour that the light has a color cast? I mean, shadows are great, yes, but I thought in order to capture the lighting quality you don't want the color balance to completely remove the cast the light is

@the yawner: Hmmm, interesting. Also, I can't edit my comment - I don't know what's up with that. I'd change it so people stop bugging me, but I can't. It should die down shortly though.

Wow guys. Seriously, did nobody read the follow-up comments? Yes, it's alphabetical, I don't need 5 duplicate comments.

@junkthis2: Mmmm, lol, I was kinda hoping nobody would notice that... I only noticed after I posted.

Somebody's trying to make that chart look overly complex. Oracle and Google are connected to nobody, yet their line goes through the middle. And putting Toshiba next to Nokia would further simplify things, but they're opposite each other in the circle.

Dude! Did anybody notice the "Switch Accounts" under his "Account" dropdown list?!? What's up with that??

@bombastinator: +1. I was thinking, "Poor guy, he has no clue that his girlfriend just moved in with him."

@tomsomething: It's interesting, this is exactly why firehouses are government-run and supported by taxes. (As I understand it.) Firehouses use to be contracted out, and there were paying property owners who lost their houses because of a neighbor's fires getting out of control. I didn't think this model existed