
I'm sad I missed this challenge. I forgot to e-mail my photo by the deadline. The only tweaking involved curves and hue/saturation levels.

*tongue-in-cheek* So I think some hunters are trying for a different kind of #shootingchallenge ?

I work in a lab, and I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly dangerous this is. Diffuse reflections - reflections off of things that aren't shiny - can blind you. Permanently. Like shining it at the wall and looking at that reflection. If it goes in your eye, you'll literally see a flash of red, and that

@Joel: Also this.

Like others, I used it yesterday. Of course, nobody was on it. Today, if you open Ping and click on "People" under the "Ping" menu on the right side, you see this.

@Zoot: I'm made primarily from dead stars. Theoretically anyway.

I see your Bench Cookies and raise you Lab Snacks!

Now playing

Aw, you missed commenting on the Chrome ads. A bit on the simple side, I supposed, but still!

First: Don't ever leave kids in the car, no DIY cooling system will ever make that okay.

@FubarGuy: Odd. The extension is QR-Code Tag Extension:

Alternatively, QR CODES!!! I finally have a use for them! Use the extension:

Ooo, and opportunity to tell my roommate stories! First, advice: as soon as there's a small problem, talk to them! Once a pattern's established, it's very hard to break people of it.

@Daft.Vader: I think at the 24+ char pw point you're better off using RSA keys. More secure provided you don't leave your computer accessible.

@nateilage: So, I'm from 1985, and I only remember half of how to write in cursive, think e-mail is too slow (phone anybody?), barely remember when DNA wasn't around, didn't use computers until after the Apple II, and can't remember when we didn't cohabitate the ISS. I haven't heard of the Michelangelo virus, and

@silvermoonstar3: Well, that's part of it, but he actually fits the definition:

Awesome. Or it would be if it could get my passive-aggressive roommate to stop avoiding me. I told him we need to talk after he wouldn't clean up. I haven't seen him for a month and a half, but he still comes back occasionally just to use up all of the paper towels. I so wish I was joking.

And Giz's civil war flames on...

I don't know much about canopy beds...