I'm happy with mine. It's not that hard to hold it differently. It works as well as my 3G did when "holding it wrong", and if I'm in a crappy area and I avoid the bottom antenna, it starts working.
I'm happy with mine. It's not that hard to hold it differently. It works as well as my 3G did when "holding it wrong", and if I'm in a crappy area and I avoid the bottom antenna, it starts working.
@Synthfilker: I just took the tour, they say that the Constitution is about 15% original materials by now. (Thanks to repairs I imagine.)
I absolutely *hate* this phrase. I've heard so many slobs use it as an excuse. Seen so many projects incomplete and rough excused with it. Specifically seen VI's that look like photos of circuit boards whose authors defend them with this phrase.
Can we also add "familiar with and uses grammar check" as a requirement?
@hailmarty: Me too! I got all excited and everything. Oh well...
@jrhawk42: Several people are close, but what you really need to think about is power. Power is a rate of energy flow. The higher the power, the more energy you receive in a given period of time.
@jrhawk42: Several people are close, but what you really need to think about is power. Power is a rate of energy flow. The higher the power, the more energy you receive in a given period of time.
@cmdtacos: Same here, mine is so much faster overall, although that Settings lag is a bit weird.
Looks like the new HAL, let's say HAL 10000.
Hey, it just went through! 7:30 EDT.
Edit: double-post.
@Ayepecks: Mostly because I'm entirely ignorant about conventions outside of the hard sciences. (Yep, I'm one of those - I'm a physicist who has a hard time relating to humanities!) So I actually didn't know that question would be better put to a journalism major. I actually didn't really know journalism was a major…
@akarpens: Hey, I'm unfamiliar with them! Got a recommendation? I'm thinking Hemingway, because it's the one I recognize.
I hate to be "that guy", but I saw this comment on another article, and I have to think he's onto something.
@etimy: Oh man, that's intense. TrueCrypt?
@Red_Flag: No matter what you do, there's a really easy get-around if you have physical access. LiveCD and plug straight into the modem.
@ace731: So uh, the biggest 3G was 16 GB. I wish it was a 32. But maybe I can still eBay it. That would be pretty sweet.
@rahrness: Yeah, no, that's this fall.
@ghengis65: Ah, no kids, not there yet! Any other ideas?