
For as long as I can remember, the back of my left heel has hurt for a little bit when I wake up, for those first few steps in the morning, maybe a 4 on the pain scale. To be specific, the pain in localized to the back of my left heel, more to the outside. It also felt kind of like a bruise to the touch, even though

> Booger McFarland would like a word.

It looks like the trade-in $450 off deal also requires an unlimited plan, FYI.

It looks like the trade-in $450 off deal also requires an unlimited plan, FYI.

Editors? The only time an article gets edited is after the commenters point out the mistakes.

I know Chiiilly already mentioned it, but it deserves to be said again.

I’m as big a fanboy of the entire Zelda franchise as the next guy, and I absolutely LOVE Breath of the Wild. But do people actually drop $40+ for a 2 inch piece of plastic? And that’s the SALE price?!

I’m as big a fanboy of the entire Zelda franchise as the next guy, and I absolutely LOVE Breath of the Wild. But do

I’ve always wanted to somehow coordinate an entire basketball arena to make the regular screaming attempt to distract the free throw shooter of the opposing team, only to have the whole place go silent as they release the ball. I’m convinced it would be ridiculously effective.

And yet Dan Dakich still has a fucking job.

I can’t speak for the dot, but the mini has bluetooth in the sense that it can act as a bluetooth speaker. You can’t send music via bluetooth FROM Google Home / mini to a different bluetooth speaker.

“However, it would also mean that he would get off without any reprimand or punishment, the football program would maintain its reputation...”

I don’t want to disrespect Coach Massimino in any way, but why does his death get an article, but Jud Heathcote’s death yesterday gets nary a mention?

By a pitcher that just got back from the DL because of numbness in his fingers, and who obviously began shaking his arm trying to fix something as soon as he let go of the ball.

I feel like Monday Night Football does this really well. They have the current game’s information at the bottom of the screen, but they fade it away during game play, as the ball is snapped. They then bring it back when the play is completed. It’s the best of both worlds, really. The information is there when I might

In 2009, Michigan place kicker Brendan Gibbons raped a female student. Taylor Lewan, Gibbons’ roommate at the time, then called the victim and threatened to rape her again if she pressed charges.

And he hits a 45-yard field goal? Get out of here with that shit.

I call shenanigans. No way Michael Geiger gets the kickoff all the way to the 30.