Joe Jordan

Just a test for the switch over after the inauguration.

Former Genius Bar tech - We’d find stuff like this all the time. 90% of the time, it was the result of kids shoving things in the Optical Drive. We’d find coins, paperclips, SD cards, you name it. If it was slim enough to fit in the slot, we’d find it in there.

Ooh, and who can forget the superhero show on a budget, Heroes. I think the highlight of this series was the climactic battle that was a series of brightly colored flashes as witnessed by Claire as she peeked through a door.

Mucinex DM combined with a 12 hour non-drowsy Sudafed is effective as hell and you won’t ever convince me otherwise.

This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

The DNC didn’t anoint her as anything. The Democratic Party voted for her.
She was the chosen candidate of the DNC in 2008 too and she still lost. If Bernie had run a better campaign and Clinton hadn’t spent 30 years creating a network of political pros at her disposal, he would have won.

Clinton 65,844,954

You recast Mon Mothma, I’m sure there’s a gaunt, skeleton looking guy somewhere out there. Jesus, this was so distracting.

Since the contract defines ‘operable’ legally he should be entirely in the clear.

I think people are more used to freemium than acually lower prices. I’m really glad they didn’t do the ‘energy bar’ on a timer, for which you either have to pay or watch ads to play the next level. I hate that. The truth is that people fork over a hell of a lot more money for those types of games than $10. But I

I actually found it pretty entertaining for a mobile game. And I hear most people complaining about the 9.99 price, which I think is kind of a ridiculous complaint for a Mario game on day one (and the first on a non-Nintendo platform at that), even a mobile one. While I was happy they let people demo a few levels

I don’t know what people expected. It’s a $10 mobile game. It was never going to have the same complexity and depth as a full-fledged Mario game.

Yup. By a significant margin those two will not age well at all.

Yup, that would’ve saved it — Tarkin as a hologram — there was no reason he needed to be personally present.

For me, Leia was unnecessary, and Tarkin should have either been recast, left as a hologram, or both.

It sounds like Comcast needs to have training done by the local power company on safe working conditions in all weather situations and the local, state and federal regulations on blocking traffic.

I am certain that no lineman would have gone up in the bucket truck with the way the road closure was setup. They don’t

Yeah, but if the police showed up and told them to put up more cones, I would bet that they would have. So I’d still put the techs at mostly to blame.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.