
If you remember, the scene leading up to it, Marty was arguing for calling in backup. They both knew going in, they were in the wrong. Also, not saying they could have played the self defense card unless they lied about the situation, which they did. What I am saying is, that after seeing the compound, the traps, and

Carcosa is renowned for their love of Elvis.

I mean, Marty and Rust knew they were in the “wrong” how they went about everything, in regards to protocol. Otherwise they wouldn’t have lied about it. But if you recall, the compound was lined with traps and the guys were armed. Cold blooded, or not, it was also a bit of self defense. Seeing the kidnapped kids, just

When Abby delivers the line “you’re my people” to Lev, that hit me as hard in the feels as “baby girl”.

reposting my comment from the io9 article:

Yep, I wouldn’t invalidate anyone reasons for not wanting to play it, especially when it comes to the violence. However, and it must not be understated, but there are some new deep and emotional relationships in the sequel. For as much darkness as there is in the game, it does feel well earned as gratuitous as it is,

I get that take and the urge not to experience that. Not to defend the sequel, but the choice isn’t a cold one. It’s not like Joel is forgotten. It very much is a continuation of his and Ellie’s story, taken to it’s logical progression. A person doesn’t get to do what Joel does and not face some kind of consequence.

Although I agree with you, I just don’t think Palworld will ever shake the moniker “Pokemon with guns”, no matter how successful it is. The comparisons to anything Pokemon are inevitable at this point. I mean, it’s not like the devs didn’t invite this comparison to begin with. 

MS and Sony do have a stake in the PC market outside of their consoles though(both sell PC hardware). Nintendo doesn’t really have a stake in that market, not counting their mobile games. But even then it doesn’t look like a priority for Nintendo. 

Yeah, exactly. I was surprised at the amount of ppl defending Joel and rejecting Abby. Joel’s demise is exactly how he treated the Fireflys. Just another body to kill. Joel had reached the zenith of his arc when he began to view Ellie as a daughter. There was no more growth left for him.

I would split the game into two seasons. Premiere episode of season 2 would end with Abby confronting Joel. Room for Joel episodes focusing on the hotel/sniping incident and the birthday. Finale of season 2 would be Abby and Lev arriving to the theater and that confrontation.

Yeah, I wasn’t aware myself exactly when Netflix cancelled everything. It felt longer, I guess because Disney was trying to figure out what to do with them and whether or not they wanted to bring back the same actors.

His episode in Luke Cage was the best use of him on Netflix, IMO. Even the little character moment of him taking off his shoes before entering the barber shop, showed the writers knew how to write that character better than on his own show.

I mean, looking at Phase 4 and going into Phase 5, there was a lot of mismanagement and terrible ideas. 

Disney couldn’t do anything with the Netflix characters for 2 years after their cancellations. I think the 2 year cancellation period was up when Disney+ put the Netflix shows up for streaming and Matt Murdock was able to have a cameo on Spider-Man: No Way Home. 

Yeah, even if it’s a basic story or at most, quick quest lines, it’ll go a long way to giving the world some more depth.

Yeah, I’m not expecting anything deep. I told my gf, that they most likely plan to support this for a while, so there won’t be an “endgame” to shoot for, in the traditional sense.

I’m actually having a blast, but my hesitation is more coming from this being an Early Access game. I kind of want to see a roadmap or something where they plan on taking this game.

Haha, well time is a flat circle!

I think they specifically place this season, referencing last night’s episode as taking place on 12/21/2023. I could be wrong though. My guess is that they’re fumbling a bit with the timelines. Rustin might not be AS old as he appeared last time we saw him, or his father Travis was much younger when we saw him in the