
She was super fun on Broad City. Hilarious episode.

Cool sexy lost boy vampires though

I was so sick of lady gaga and her shit for a while but now that she’s been under the radar kind of I realized I really miss her antics.

Just watched the video, I love this so much. The flash of nipple from the one girl is so perfect and sexy. And the sequins. And the dancing. And the set. Some of the models are not the best dancers but its ok. It all looks so fun! If only this is what going to the club was actually like...

they look like vampires

Can’t edit the poll now, but I’ll promote this comment so people can agree with you if they’d like!

“What’s homo milk? Is this milk from GAY COWS?!” he demands, utterly* seriously, even angrily.

Let’s be friends. (And I have both a jellicle/tuxedo cat and a King Charles Spaniel mix, so I am hoping this part of my resume will impress you).

Oh, I loved that episode! It really did get to the importance of home economics when you have to pinch pennies(how I miss those 90s recession sitcoms). At the meat counter, she asks the kids to pick out something to feed the family for the week......

Awesome gif! And it reminds me of the episode where Rozanne took Darlene’s class to the grocery store and taught them about budgeting and running a household. God that show was awesomesauce.

I’m following you now so when I see you I’ll pull you out. Comment away. There are no noiseless comments, just people who miss out on hearing them. (Most of the people that I know here are pretty good with reading the pending comments. It gets so boring when it’s the same voices. Mine included. Or especially ;) )

It’s really lovely! Most of the time I don’t even bother commenting on the main page because it’s like that old saying, if a comment sits unread in the grey, is it actually a comment? Or is it a noiseless tree?

A+ everyone for multiple Jessica Fletcher gifs.

You have to love how teaching girls “confidence” is on the menu while teaching boys about college, careers and salaries. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if the girls had the opportunity to learn about planning for their future, they’d be a lot more confident. Radical idea, I know.

include the issuance of a license to engage in sodomy

I forgot to add this:

I don’t have all that much makeup, but sometimes spreading it all out and eye-caressing my pretty riches like Scrooge McDuck is enjoyable.

Keep reading...

Ooooh! Remember Gap “Grass” that smelled exactly like lawn clippings on purpose? I think it’s from that same collection!