
"Lucas, the man who wrote and directed American Graffiti and Star Wars as well as helped bring Industrial Light & Magic into the world, is also widely regarded these days as the guy who ruined Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and your childhood for good measure."

Lucas didn't have shit to do with Indy 4 other than executive producing it and okaying the script. The shit that wound up on the screen is the fault of Spielberg, Keopp, and a much too old Harrison Ford not giving a shit.

Bullshit. Even the worst parts of Jedi wipe the floor with anything in the prequels. I also didn't find anything goofy about the entire Jabba sequence other than the silly dance sequence in the special editions.

Sorry, but saying Revenge of the Sith is better than Return of the Jedi is just laughable. Jedi, despite being the weakest of the originals, is still a damn good movie and a fun ride. It absolutely wipes the floor with most of the event films released nowadays. Some of the absolutely best moments and best shot scenes

"The Xbox One encourages you to move around its interface “faster” by using Kinect voice commands. These commands work about 70 to 80 percent of the time, which is not enough. "

Then again, this entire site looks like a paid advertisement for Sony and the PS4.

What a load of bullshit and hyperbole in this article. I wonder how much Sony paid for this.

LOL! Click is the best film Sandler has made in ages, even if that's not saying much. As for Kate Beckinsale's career, it seems to be going fine. I find it ironic when a far less successful and far poorer blog writer questions the career of an incredibly rich, incredibly successful movie star who could buy him a