Joe Hollow

I don’t know about this article, sounds a bit biased, emotional at times, and unprofessional.

No what? Don’t give food, medical aid, and shelter? Don’t give words of encouragement to victims of unjust war?

I haven’t done it since I was 15. First time I did it I was almost 13. I do miss it. I used to live in East Europe, in my early teens we used wood and coal to heat. I didn’t mind even moving coal to storage area all by my self.

Mayweather is an asshole. And if you knew anything about British history and how they treated Irish you wouldn’t be saying that shit.

I’m thinking of moving just so I can be closer to a gym. One that was about 5 blocks from my home closed few years back. And now I need it. If I had my own house I would probably just buy the equipment and set it up there.

Fuck you and fuck BLM.


Few days ago I ridiculed a Linux distro for making Bing a default search on Chromium browser that comes with the distro... Now I feel stupid.

Sorry ladiez, but he is right. Third wave feminism has turned feminism into garbage. A congregation of men hating, self-proclaimed victims. Feminism stopped being about equal rights long time ago.

Anyone that promotes not upgrading your OS, no matter how much of a respected expert they happened to be, is on some level an imbecile. But you keep on doing what you want. It’s not like we had this whole debate reascent about this thing called XP, or something.

Disgusting. Although, not surprised. In East Europe they do treat women like shit. I’m surprised by her bravery. Most East European women I met would have just kept quiet and taken the abuse.

Personally, I have nothing against nudity. That’s something of what I haven’t been taught to be ashamed. However, I can’t help but notice a pathetic display of your, and your readers, hipocrasy. Had a male musician done something like that you wouldn’t have called it an accident. You would have called him a pedophile,