I wish the driver in the “non-brand car” had started honking as that twunt was on the phone. That kind of brain genius would either stomp away to talk (freeing up the space), or lose her shit & take a swing at the car.
I wish the driver in the “non-brand car” had started honking as that twunt was on the phone. That kind of brain genius would either stomp away to talk (freeing up the space), or lose her shit & take a swing at the car.
No, she’s straight to onlyfans.
Keep driving, boyfriend.
I’ll bet she’s “an influencer”.
Do you know of a weird or unique but must-have tool that every wrencher should have?
Or being arrested... Thank God there were no cameras in my youth, all of the stuff we did lives in our memory only and there’s no proof of anything. Sorry, grandma’s neighbors :)
In my childhood wisdom I filled a 2 liter with gas, and buried it with just the top exposed. It was awesome! And half the neighborhood showed up to see what the fuck was going on.
Beat me to it. It isn’t that hard to take over a frequency.
I think “hacked” is a pretty strong term for what happened here.
Because “download our app” lets them brag about their userbase and attract intrusive advertising that’s harder to block.
Better get a higher floor. Who knows if Miami will even be there in another 30 years...
you know how much cheaper it was to replace a busted headlight back in the good old sealed beam days?
fuck modern headlights.
I imagine the two officers have more important things to be doing right now than reading Jalopnik comments, so I think they probably don’t care.
Oh you mean how news dried up when it was revealed the Colorado shooter was Syrian and NOT a white guy?
I don’t think the officers are relevant here but cool bootlickin’ dogwhistle broh
I’m just here to make an Olympus Has Fallen reference before anyone else can
1st: You can continue to try to twist that however you want, but this is simply them seeing an opportunity to get money either directly or indirectly. You’ve got a pretty weird outlook on the world, Raphael.
For the record, the origin of the lawn as we now know it is specifically to be an ostentatious display of wealth. It is an area of land set aside for NO use, only to be a visible indicator that you are sufficiently well off that you don’t need pasture or fields, you can have land set aside just to have it.