Go Hawkeyes

But it’s all perfectly legal.  Don’t like it?  Push your representatives to change the laws.

Even that doesn’t work, especially in the anti-vax state of Missouri.  Hy-Vee is offering $10 to anyone who gets vaccinated and still people aren’t doing it.

I can’t wait to see hundreds of these in the mall parking lot.

I guess sarcasm is hard for some people.  I would have thought the last sentence made that clear.

And if you must attempt a landing, don’t do it in the place they call ‘merica.

Do we have to keep sexualizing her and pointing out the fact she was a cheerleader while also posting a picture of a scantily clad cheerleader’s backside? Asking for the Jezebel crowd.

I turned down a job with Google earlier this year because they insisted on a relocation to Mountain View within 1 year.  Now it seems that situation may be changing.  Dammit, it would have been a good pay bump, likely even with the market adjustment to remain remote in KC.

Only time I approve of a slide show:  When I get a mention is said slide show.

Nobody claimed crypto miners were smart.

I envy your willingness to be crucified in these comments.

I made some really good money on Doge this year. Glad I sold most when I did, although I missed the highest peak. Still holding a little over 1000 Doge though with the hopes that someday it pulls a Bitcoin and goes through the moon. If not, I only paid $0.08 per for it so not a big loss.

I’m looking forward to displaying my ‘93 Mustang Convertible at the MCA National Show in OP, KS in July!

Not sure about your state but every state I’ve lived in required proof of insurance at registration time.

I once fixed a leak on a gas tank with bubble gum and it held for 3 years until I hauled the old Corolla to the junk yard where she belonged.

Supply chain planning is hard work and those of us that do it are often under paid given our education and certifications.

Coming soon to BAT: Extra low miles Supra, mostly stock, slight rear end damage.

My favorite is cars that are clearly automatics listed as manuals.

I was on board with recommending Spacey McSpaceface until you ruined my dream.

Only 770lbs on the bed? Where will the average ‘merican’s spouse sleep then?