Go Hawkeyes

This sort of behavior is nothing new.  When I worked at FedEx I had to watch about 2 hours of videos about how unions are horrible before I could start working.

I want an e-bike I can take the batteries out and use them lawn tools as well such as a mower, blower, trimmer, etc.

As an avid purveyor of the private torrent community I can tell you that there are still a significant number of people all over the world that prefer to download their TV shows and movies in highly compressed SD formats.  Sure, not as compressed as to fit on a floppy, but nearly just as shitty.  Some people just

I vote for any monospaced font.

Amateur.  I scanned mine.  Then took a picture of the scan on my laptop screen.

For being the NRA Chief he sure is a horrible fucking shot.

Hey Gizmodo, is there supposed to be a giant fucking advertisement at the top of the page in all this white space? Giant intrusive ads like that are exactly why I continue to use an ad blocker.

Ding ding ding I think we have a winner.  So many people are just plain stupid it’s scary.  Gotta love our fine education system in the US!

Joke’s on Google.  It’s easier and cheaper to switch to a new streaming platform than it is to switch to a new device ecosystem.

That’s a beautiful drive that I wouldn’t mind taking every so often.

It’s amazing but why?

Snake oil.  I’ll take the stuff with THC please.

Snake oil.  I’ll take the stuff with THC please.

Construction companies for one. My brother in law is an engineer for a large construction company and he raves about the rugged phones. Every engineer and supervisor in the field has a company issued rugged phone. He said the only thing his last rugged phone couldn’t withstand was when it got dropped in front of a

Just imagine if we had TikTok back then.  We could have been internet famous.

I almost burnt down a garage once too. I was about 8 and thought it would be cool to light a coffee can filled with gas on fire. Freaked out and kicked it over and proceeded to light the wall on fire. Thankfully just a few steps away was a fire extinguisher that my parents had recently purchased.

Yes, but that does me no good when I need to head 300 miles out into the country and have no place to charge along the way or when I get there.

Whatever keeps them preoccupied and not catching/caring for the California to Missouri weed gummy shipments I get is fine by me.


Charging availability is what stopped me from buying a Tesla.  I live in flyover country.  Kansas City does have a lot of charging options but I can’t get far from the city without running into issues with finding a place to charge.  Unless I stay on main highways, but that’s not always where I need to go.