Go Hawkeyes

Considering many of the sponsors of race teams also buy off politicians I’d say wearing anything with the sponsor’s logo is a political statement.

Hey, what’s wrong with Kansas?

Please don’t group us all together.  Just like you don’t want white people to group all black people together.  We aren’t all racist and ignorant.

My guess, both deadlines blow past and Bytedance is still the owner and TikTok is still functioning just fine in the US.


I think that depends.  When I was buying a car for my son that was only a few grand I just brought the cash.  Well, not to the initial look at the car, but the next day when we agreed to a price.  When I sold a truck for 20 grand though I insisted that the transaction occur at his bank where I could watch them draft

Excellent write up and awesome photos!  Will rotate a few as desktop backgrounds for sure.

My wife grilling a steak.

I had always assumed these systems only worked in forward gears, not reverse.  But I have no idea really.

Years later?  Like that’s the problem of the target market for people buying these new.

Had me sold (not that I can afford one anyway) until you got to the pictures of the interior and the tablet screens that look stuck on last minute.  I wish this design would fucking die already.

Well a flat earth would be more efficient for those EVs to traverse.

Why aren’t new TVs just incorporating this type of lighting into the back already?  Seems to make sense.

You had me until $50.

Trumpets never understand

Or do what some friends and I do each voting day.  We run a free rides to the polls program in our city to get people out and vote that otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

I really don’t think this will fly (sorry for the pun) in many parts of the US. Too many gun totin’ cousin lovin’ ‘merica! freedom fighters around who don’t want nobody flyin’ drones over their land and surveilling them.

Dealer I bought my 2 cars from 2 years ago is doing the same thing.  And if my relocation to Germany pans out I may just take them up on the offer instead of dealing with the headache of trying to sell the cars myself.

No trackpoint?  Pass

Needs more bigly adjectives.