Go Hawkeyes

My dad welded together a giant metal sled that he would pull behind his truck with a long chain. We would sit in it and go down the gravel roads at way too fast speeds. I have no idea why I’m still alive.

This is such click bait.

Well it’s still made in Germany.

I love my German made “American” Buick.

Neutral:  I’ve started biking more.  Not to avoid public transit, because it’s non-existent here in cow town.  But because my fat ass needs the exercise.

First world problems.

Surely there are security cameras in the garages right?

I think hanging a noose on your own property is protected free speech. But hanging it where it was is likely considered a legitimate death threat.

A heavy ass CRT sitting on a TV tray table being tipped over and falling on a child is a lot more satisfying to watch than a light weight and easily breakable flat screen is.

I love my Dash Button for cat food.  I hope it never dies.  I tried subscription but no intervals really worked well.  It’s wonderful to just hit that button when the bag gets low.

Safety first!

You can probably find a $35k house anywhere.  You just most likely wouldn’t want to step foot into it.

I used to go out to my car and take naps during my lunch hour.  Now with working from home I just go to my bed.  Gonna suck going back to the office.

Make sure to film it all!

Pretty sure a sick fuck will load one up with a fleshlight first.

Maybe because bp is their brand and not BP?

Look, we all get it, and are just as disgusted as you are.  But can we please leave Trump out of Jalopnik?  Save it for Gizmodo.

Everyone is offended my something.

In Github’s situation it may not be a big deal to change it.  I don’t know the technical details there.  But in many instances it could be highly costly to implement such changes.

Is it just me or does that car front end look like a squished couple generations old Camero?