Go Hawkeyes

I was in the middle of the interview process for a new job when this started. I had completed 2 phone interviews and they had booked flights and hotel for my wife and I to come out and see the area and for me to interview in person.  But that got canceled for the time being.  Thankfully I already have a pretty decent

Enterprise’s car sales division is about to have a Smoking Hot Fire Sale!

Not only the most mass graves. But the very best mass graves. All American made, which boarder walls around them.  Don’t let the #fakenews tell you any different.

It’s not to stimulate you, it’s to stimulate the economy.  Go spend it on something yo wouldn’t normally buy.  That’s the purpose of it.  To keep people spending.

I cashed out an inherited IRA last year that puts me just over the AGI limit. Dumb, I know, but it was only $10k so not worth the hassle of dealing with RMDs every year in my opinion.  I already filed for 2019.  Will that mean I get no check?  Or will that one time influx not be counted towards AGI for these

Sidewalks are the property owner’s responsibility.  We’ve had to enforce the restriction a couple times to get people to redo their sidewalks that were decaying.  Roads are 50/50 with the city and yes we hold reserves for that.

Upkeep of the signs and flower gardens at all 5 neighborhood entrances plus upkeep of the bushes at the center of every cul-de-sac. There are over 500 homes so at $65 a year per home the surplus keeps growing. There is the occasional legal issue that needs resolved and that is what the surplus is for.  There is so

That would be a socialist world.  Those don’t seem to work very well.  Not that pure capitalism works that well either.

I’m on my board too.  Our dues are only $65 a year and there is enough surplus that we could probably go several years without collecting.  We meet quarterly and it’s more of a drinking party with 5 minutes of official business at the start.

Not all HOA’s are bad.  Mine is a rare good one.  And even though we have an RV/boat in driveway restriction, there are a couple doctors living in theirs right now and the HOA is letting it pass.  Even after a few asshats complained.

Shocking.  Company in a capitalist economy does what is best for it’s shareholders.  News at 10.  In other news, the sky is blue.

$400,000 in acid?  I think someone at Big Acid has a cousin in the Senate.

You’re missing the point.  I keep it for the memories.  I grew up with this fridge.  I don’t care that it’s expensive to run.

You can pry my 47 year old still perfectly working and now resigned to garage beer refrigerator from my cold dead hands.

She sure looks happy to be getting here potential of $2500 for consideration for time and travel.  Or whatever if anything that trial is paying.

*Affix tinfoil hat.*

I normally drive Friday nights and sometimes Saturday too in KC.  I’m staying home tonight though.  More because I don’t think it’ll be as busy as normal than because I’m afraid of getting sick.  So much has been canceled and I just don’t think many people will be out.

Yes, I hope this virus takes out a lot of the high ranking politicians so we can replace them all.

Coronavirus is not new and we actually know a great deal about it. This particular strain is new. Your body is no more “used to” the current strains of flu as it is to any other novel virus.

I’d say you’re probably at a higher risk due to the small city size. When it arrives it’ll less likely be caught right away and will spread more. This is due to the thinking that it won’t come to a small town and also due to the fact that tests are scarce to come by.