Go Hawkeyes

100% this. I know every path too and from work but I still use Maps every day to avoid the most amount of traffic I can.

I’d love a cat that big. Too bad the only domesticated cats that big are serious fucking money.

Buy the car you NEED and can afford. Just because I can afford an $80k luxury truck doesn’t mean I need it.

Exactly. I keep a vehicle for about 10 years. I’d totally do 8 years at 0%. I just did 6 years at 0% on a Regal GS. Had planned on only 4 years. But free money is free money.

I pay more than that in taxes when I use miles for a reward ticket. FFS

I recently did a group paper on the topic of college athlete compensation as part of my MBA curriculum. I originally was among those thinking that college athletes are compensated enough with free tuition and board. However after lengthy debate the group came to the concensus that the best path forward is to allow

I miss the display being in the rear view mirror. First two cars I had with one it was there. It made sense. I was already looking there. But you can’t find that anymore. They are only on the low mounted giant middle dash displays. I makes no sense to me. Hell, I’d rather have it in the rear view and both side view

I accepted these terms just to star your comment.

I think this will go a long way to getting rid of fragmentation. Right now I have IoT devices from 9 different manufacturers. That means 9 different apps plus the Google Home app. Imagine if those 9 manufacturers all embedded Android Things instead of their own half baked insecure OS? One app to rule them all.

Great, now I need to replace everything again. Need to have Smart 2.0 devices now.

Your dolphin dick knowledge is both awesome and troublesome.

Google needs to hurry up with the intercom functionality. I know I can broadcast but I’d like to carry on a conversation with a specific room. I now have 12 minis at home, half were free from other purchases, and intercom would be great.

That is the worst restriction in my opinion. It’s outdated thinking and needs changed.

Seriously? I didn’t know growing up Ireland would disqualify you. That’s just as nonsense as being disqualified for having gay sex.

Wait till they see my research on the longest straight path over both land AND water.

Are those phone numbers without the area code?

I’m O-. My thought would be that there are so few donors of O- blood. Although I encourage every O- person to donate as much as possible because you have magic blood that nearly everyone can get. Plus you help us other few O- folk who may need it.

I would assume they do see it. It’s big and bright colored.

My house is covered inside and out with 28 cameras. I have a sign next to my door that states you are being recorded. I host social functions all the time and many times there are new people showing up. Not once had anyone ever mentioned the cameras or the sign. I’ve also never caught anything interesting on any of

The homing in on Iowa City correlates to the same reason why I never graduated and needed an additional decade to finally get a degree.