Go Hawkeyes

I use it all the time. So much so that I upgraded my 6 monitor setup at work to have them all be touch screens. That hit my cost center hard, but it’s made me more productive.

Thanks for calling me names. And I’m not in Iowa. Your first error is considering a vehicle an investment. Your second is thinking people in Iowa don’t like to get their hands dirty. Where do you think probably 75% if the food you eat comes from? That’s right, farmers in Iowa and the surrounding states. Another error

Speak for yourself. I’d rather take the new car hit than buy someone else’s problems. But I can easily afford it. Maybe you can’t and that is the root of your problem with it?

Just got a zero percent on my Regal GS last month. Glad I locked it in. I was surprised it was offered. Got $1500 rebate as well. And dealer employee pricing.

You schmucks in coach, lol.

I pretty much never leave the right lane. Bit that’s because all the assholes are going slow in the left.

Honestly, that’s good Metadata for ad delivery. That’s why myfitnesspal collects it in the first place.

I don’t see a problem with it. Parenting through a doorbell is far more parenting than many parents actually provide these days.

Simply reading the terms for two day shipping that you accepted when you subscribed would have told you what you learned. But instead you wasted the time of several reps who could have been assisting customers with actual issues.

A few weeks ago the fam and I flew to Chicago for the weekend and had a few hours to kill before needing to get to the airport so I looked up the address to the Gallagher house from Shameless as a joke. My wife and 19yo daughter were thrilled and said it was the highlight of their trip. [insert eye roll]. There were

I am extremely disappointed in my new Buick purchase now that I realize it could have had a foot controlled radio if GM still had their wits about them.

Then maybe it’s time to stop playing CEO and let someone qualified take over the job.

Still more believable than the transmissions on a Fast and the Furious movie.

Who glances beyond the curtain? Honestly forgot there’s more plane back there.

I’m a lucky first class bastard (only because work pays for it) and I’m constantly getting sick when I fly.

I do a lot of international travel for work. It’s very common outside the states. I hate it when a hotel will only give you one room key and the slot only works with a room key. Seems to always happen in the hottest fucking countries too.

Still my favorite game.

I know that in Iowa, at least back when I lived there, 89 was the go to fuel of choice because it was cheaper due to less taxes. The lower tax was to incentivise the ethanol industry. Don’t know if it’s still that way or not.

Apple actually copied the notch design from an Android phone. But of course a Gizmodo property wouldn’t admit that.

Same here. I did a whopping 84 months at 0.9% on my wife’s new SUV last year. Had planned on only doing 48 months but the rate was the same. Sure I’ll pay a bit more in interest but it doesn’t amount to much. Working on a deal right now on a new car for myself and it’s looking like I’ll get the standard 1.9% for 60