Go Hawkeyes

Oh I’m so fucked on Prime day.

Good for you! I like the list idea. Although I’m afraid I’d lose control at some point and order the entire list in one shot.

Thank you.

You can run a report in your Amazon account and export every purchase detail in a CSV file. It has your full history too. But be forewarned, it can be depressing once you actually look at it.

I am aware of that. Everyone’s situation is different. In my case that amounts to about 7% of my combined household income. Maybe I should have said 7% of my income vs $18k so others with differing incomes could relate more. But even then 7% when someone only makes $18k a year will cause significantly more distress to

I’ve never actually set foot in a Whole Foods. I prefer Pricechopper or HyVee but that is because they are both very close to me. And I prefer to avoid grocery shopping altogether.

No. I came to point out that Amazon addiction is a real thing. Did you just come here to post negative comments?

I have an addiction. I spent over $18,000 on Amazon last year. I was buying something nearly every day. Most things were useless crap. I did buy a few big ticket items like a new TV, but probably 80% of the money was spent on crap I didn’t need.

So then you’re only overpaying for those goods by 15%.

Oh come on, not a single Aliens comment yet?

Really? Because I’ve never used my AR-15 to take any form of life. I use it to enjoy target practice. It’s a fun gun to shoot.

And the spoon made me fat too!

I hate when they ask if it’s a special occasion. No it’s not. You’re fucking Olive Garden and it’s Friday at lunch time. Who goes to Olive Garden for a special occasion?

Can I get that chart with an overlay of which political party was in the White House at the same time please?

Oh bullshit. Pai is the man. The FCC should have never interfered with the internet to begin with. I’m glad they repeahahahaha

Well no shit. Every single for-profit institution has a single goal. That is to earn a profit. How they go about it is where CSR comes into play and corporate advertising such as this is used. I’m just saying that their execution wasn’t well thought out. They could have got their message about serving others across a

I get what you’re saying. The point of the ad was to say that FCA identifies with MLK’s values. But the execution wasn’t that good.

For as liberal non-religious as Gizmodo is why are you still using Christian dating? Get your shit together and use 500BCE and 500CE. Hell, even Fox News has been known to use BCE and CE.

I switched to almond milk because I love the taste more than any other milks I’ve tried, including the real thing.

Almond milk > than all other milks. I switched to it from cow juice not for any health reasons. But simply because it just tastes better. I love the stuff.