Go Hawkeyes

I think it’s wrong to say that Republicans sold out the internet. As your own articles have stated, net neutrality has bipartisan support. In government as well as the general public. It would be more correct to say that a small group of worthless meat puppets who also happen to be Republicans sold out the internet.

See, no more net neutrality and your ISP isn’t blocking anything. Or slowing anything down. Or making you pay more to access certain sites. You were all wrong.

I’m pretty sure that around where I live the only way such pylons would work is if they are 20 feet tall masses of concrete and steel. If it’s just those plastic orange reflective types they’ll just get mowed down.

Well my representative isn’t getting a re-election vote next go’round. Not that he got one from me the last time either.

So having a job is white privilege? Fucking millennials. Shouldn’t you be in a safe place away from words that will hurt your feelings?

Pissed me off when half the family guy seasons disappeared. I quit my pirating ways Hollywood. I’ve been paying for content for a few years. But that pissed me off because I had just a few seasons left. So fuck you. I pirated them instead. Plex interface is better than Netflix anyway.

This applies to pretty much everything, not just cars. If people are dumb enough to fall for it, on any type of purchase, then I have no sympathy for them. A fool and his money something something...

Or, you know, get a real job. Or at least go to McDonald’s, they pay more than minimum wage.

I’m not saying Democrats would have taken away net neutrality. But they’d be fucking us over in other ways. Face it, unless you are wealthy then you have completely different interests than politicians, regardless of their party affiliation.

They’ll vote for him because he’s able to afford to get on the ballot and advertise so people know who he is. The only way an average person is going to ever get elected to a high office is if they suddenly become very wealthy and can bankroll the campaign. But then they’ll be rich and suddenly their priorities will

1) In these situations they have typically honored the surge pricing to the drivers.

I’m not saying Hillary would have done exactly this. I’m saying that she would fuck you over in other ways.

Got a code for my son the last time. Snagged one for my daughter’s boyfriend this time. Great stocking stuffer!

Got a code for my son the last time. Snagged one for my daughter’s boyfriend this time. Great stocking stuffer!

Nah, his neighbors are just as wealthy and corrupt and are the ones that stand to gain the most from his dealings. They slap his back and fondle his nutsack daily I’m sure.

Don’t pretend that Democrats are any better. Both parties are a front for making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Both parties are lead by very wealthy individuals who only have their own interests in mind. They just have differing approaches to making us, the average, think otherwise.

Except twice in recent history the popular vote did not win presidential office. It doesn’t matter what candidate gets in office, under the current system of only the rich win, us the common folk are fucked. Our entire political system is deeply flawed. The simple fact that it takes millions of dollars to win office,

Instead of criticizing Uber and Lyft for the surge pricing people should be applauding them for quickly turning off surge pricing and refunding people. After all, their systems did exactly what they are supposed to do, increase fares when demand increases. And it’s not like the bomber gave them a heads up so that they

It’s funny how so many people who say they’ve stopped watching the show are always here reading the articles about it and being the first to comment.

I go to Frankfurt for work 2-3 times a year. I keep saying I’m going to go do a ring rental. I always balk at the cost. I need to just deal with it and do the ring rental don’t I?

Set up the VPN on your router so that all your traffic runs through it.