Go Hawkeyes

She calls too many Big Ten games. It’s nothing about her being a woman. She’s just horrible and annoying. I always watch on mute when she’s calling a game. I do the same when Joe Buck calls a Royals game.

Well their first mistake was falling for the “What do you want your payments to be?” bit.

Nope, not a drug dealer’s fault. If people had sense enough to stay away from drugs then there would be no drug dealers. Same thing for shady lending practices. If people had sense to stay away from shady lending and learn to spend within their means then those practices would go away.

Wait, so you’re saying that the high school drop out who takes home $250 a week and is driving a new car on an 84 month loan with negative equity financed in as well isn’t the one to blame? Because last I checked, nobody forced them to sign the loan. Don’t blame banks and dealers for consumer stupidity.

Pretty sure it’s a scheme run by this guy.

you win the internet today

Be careful recording phone calls. Some states do specifically require 2-party consent.

I pay my mortgage online through automatic withdrawal. I can specify directly on the setup page how much extra I want to apply to principle or to interest. Maybe your lender does something similar?

Here’s some good money advice for young people. Don’t sit around waiting for the advice to come to you. Do your own research and learn as much as you can.

It’s called PTO where I work because it includes sick time. But I get 10 weeks a year with no carry over and have no hope of actually using it all so it might as well be considered unlimited.

She was bumped by the computer long before anyone saw her skin color. Bitch just wants to get her 15 seconds and a free flight.

I’ve always created a new gmail just for car shopping. Because their unsubscribes never fucking work either.

I’ve never done it that way but it would be interesting to do so. I always send individual emails with different subject lines so that I can keep track of everything better. My last vehicle, 2017 Acadia Denali for my wife, I had two dealerships negotiating on the exact same vehicle. The first dealership had exactly

In the last email before finalizing the deal I’ve always said basically the same things. F&I guy doesn’t need to try to sell me on anything because I’m just going to say no. No dealer stickers. And I already have my own financing that you can’t beat so don’t bother. Except the one vehicle that Ford was offering 0%

Considering I’ve negotiated my last 3 new vehicle purchases entirely through email with dealerships I never once set foot in before I’m going to say you are wrong on that front. Not every dealership will do it. But those that prefer to sell a shitload of vehicles at low margins are more than willing to pay one

Maybe it’s different in your state but the 4 states I have lived in (Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri) you can still take the tax advantage when selling privately as long as you sell privately within a certain amount of time. Especially in Missouri where dealers do not collect the tax/title/license fees.

I agree that’s bad. But any form of this is the worst:

Damn all I have are diabetic sugar free lifesavers. Always the uncool kid.

Please tell me you actually said “fucking sucks” to the class.

You realize the reason schools have widely switched to Chromebooks to from Apple is because of the substantial cost savings right? You can get 4 good (enough for school) Chromebooks for less than a grand.