Go Hawkeyes

Yes but they want $15/hr to push the button to start the fryer at McDonald’s. Just imagine how much they want to push the button to start a conveyor belt in a factory.

What planet are you living on? Maybe it was that way 40 years ago, but today the largest publications and news channels are the most biased sources of information you can find. They openly flaunt their lack of objectivity too.

Trump is set on bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Well highly educated scientists aren’t going to work manufacturing jobs. So this cut makes sense. You have to dumb the population back down to the manufacturing job level to actually bring those jobs back.

This is the only rating system that is relevant for me:

So many opportunities to troll on this one I can’t decide which side of the Gizmodo commentariat I want to piss off the most this morning.

Just ordered one. Guess I’ll be returning it before I even open it.

When I watch on my phone the phone is about 6-12 inches from my face usually. Ideal viewing distance for 5.5" screen is 8.8". When I watch on my 70" TV the sofa is 9.5' from the TV. Ideal viewing distance for a 70" screen is 9' 4".

And force people to work there for such low pay and not allow them to ever leave for a better paying job...

How about a comment on dickbag person recording who suddenly doesn’t know how to hold a camera upright after getting out of the car? If you aren’t going to take care to record something watchable then shut the fucking camera off.

That’s how it was when she worked as a chef. But now she’s out of the business doing sales for a construction equipment manufacturer so the only time she cooks is at home.

Now playing

Not the first time Michigan basketball failed to get far enough off the ground.

That’s how it was when my wife was still running a kitchen. But since she’s got out of the business and is working in a different field she does the cooking at home.

Don’t be making fun of my son.

eww, not chopped onions. sliced is the way to go.

God no, we have enough servants children as it is.

I honestly had no idea it took this long to caramelize onions. Next time my wife is barefoot in the kitchen caramelizing me some onions I’ll ask her how long it takes her to make my sandwich.

Actually I’d call 9 of them lubricating. Can’t think of a way lighting it on fire could be considered lubricating.

Only acceptable answer.