Go Hawkeyes

They should have made the controller plug in the same as the original. I still have a few original controllers that work, my original system stopped working completely a few years ago.

I attended the KC rally last year. I got the Liberty Memorial at 6 am and there were already thousands of people there. Spent several hours standing shoulder to shoulder with complete strangers, often times smushed together uncomfortably. All ended nicely and everyone was polite. No food or water to be found for

Kansas City laugh’s at Chicago’s use of gates.

It’s followed the trail back pretty well. At least until the end.

It appears that may be for the best judging by the results it gives.

I watched some poor saps get caught in the tide at Mt. St. Michele in France once.

I’m going to create 10 new accounts just to give you more stars.

Thanks for the answer. I’d want some sort of security for certain items as well. Like I don’t want it reading off my emails to my kids. And I don’t want my kids adding their shitty music to my playlists.

I would totally live in that place. Always loved it.

Does it work with multiple Google accounts? Four people in my house means 4 different accounts. Can it handle that? How well does it handle it? That’s the only thing keeping me from getting this or the Echo. And I can’t find any answers.

You mean like when the dude bro dad turns the corner into the mall parking lot too soon and drives over the curb? That’s about the only rough ground 99% of these see.

Excellently timely article as I am in the beginning stages of negotiating a 4 year expat assignment to Germany. I’m actually leaning towards not taking it because it involves 75% travel to about 15 different countries on 5 continents and my wife isn’t crazy about the idea of moving across the pond just so I can be

It really is out of this world.

The entitlement society disagrees with us unfortunately.

I seem to have missed the part where people are forced to work for Uber rather than getting a real job.

My wife is horrible about this. She thinks that it’s OK to just leave the key in the ignition and lock the doors and all will be fine because she can unlock the car with the Ford keypadthingymajig. Never mind the fact that the code is the same it has been since we bought the car new 6 years ago and only uses 2 of

Carol didn’t want to go back to Alexandria. She wanted to go out on her own. I think Morgan wanted to go back but seems to be deciding to stay as this group seems to live more by his code.

I was with her until she brought her deity into it. Fictitious emotional support beings aren’t going to do anything to help you get off of a burning airplane.

There will be another below the line fine print fee on your bill for covering the huge cost of providing a button to click to either allow or not allow them to sell your data. Probably at least $3.99 per month.

It’s a shitstorm regardless of who is elected. You’re retarded if you think politicians run for office to serve you. They do it to only serve themselves.