
Its only an hour old and why would the new regime report a faux impending invasion by the people you say are their allies?

Thanks for the warning to skip ahead and cut the Bullshit!

Thanks for the hat tip to the guy who posted this the night before to oppo.

Oh wow I had the drivers backwards. Well there goes my theory out the window.

It almost looked like Memo was veering left under little or no power immediately before being struck which would have opened up his left side to greater vulnerability. I sure hope its just some severely broken bones that required surgery.

Thats great the fire was out relatively quickly. I was quite worried that the blaze would only grow and Memo was trapped. So glad it went out before the safety crews had to handle that before extracting him.

Wow you were there. Were either driver concious when they were removed from there cars?

Why is the amount it deformed so bad? was it crushing Gidley? I kind of thought they were meant to absorb the impact to protect the driver.

I hope they are alright. The Ferrari driver is definitely going to be injured from that. I just hope he got out before it burned.

Love it except the OG Syclone was so much faster.

Time to travel back in time.... your going to 2nd grade. I know rounding is tough but you'll get the hang of it with some practice.

Panamera Turbo long wheelbase would be pretty awesome just check out what the smoking tire had to say about the regular version

Suspense builder? Range anxiety!

The call this section the "W" as its not really just the hairpin but a bigger section of linked corners. So the trick is to not brake at the end of the long straight. Just turn hard (lean outside a little)and take the outside of the hairpin(right - in the forward direction at Kart2Kart). Then next step is to get wide

And another birdie told me they would be faster too! So expect that corner to be easier.

Money in the bank!

Must be the solid gold edition for that much cash. No skimping on gold plating with this guy!

Your not prescribed the right medicine, thats why your confused! Go see the doc and they will fix you right up.

The numbers on the pills are indicative of the size or quantity and type of drug when combined with the other information like color and shape.