
I find funny that, in one the very, very few AV Club news articles that isn't dripping with condescending snark, that instead it's all over the comments. 


And the ‘White Christmas’ snow globe on the endtable.

there was a White Bear logo on the BBQ as well

Also, Maggie’s holding a Waldo doll.

This grade might be a tad too harsh. I think I’d A- for this one. That was the most fun I’ve had watching a Simpsons episode in a long time. They’ve had a ton of blandness lately so I gotta reward them for when they bring it. Every one to the stories was well done and packed plenty of jokes. It actually felt like the

Do you copy paste all these comments or do you write new ones for every Joker article?

No. Stop it. I hate this stupid theory that it was designed shitty on purpose.

Jeez, folks are so quick to jump on a simple typo. It’s obviously just a misspelling of “Tin Fae.

This is s very fair critique of the recap. I love Laurie, and I wanted to explore what bring her back at this juncture meant for her character and for the show. Next week I’ll focus more on what’s on the screen. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Im sorry but what in the actual hell is this article? A sperm? That’s a stretch, by a long shot.

Looking forward to reading the review on another site, since, you know, Giz media’s last semblances of relevance will have been picked to the bone by then.

I wish this was longer!

Eh, tell that to his ex-wife.

I get that it’s popular to call them the worst, but let’s be real -- their approach whether you love it or hate it is why the show got made. Similarly, you might hate what they did in the end (and until/unless the books are finished we won’t know “whose” idea it was), but they also wrote and made the episodes people

They’re using their privilege for a worthwhile endeavor. POC would likely face harsher penalties, so thanks for taking the heat on this one, Ted and Jane. 

First, your autoplay videos suck. Why did I all of the sudden start hearing Adam Devine talking about his shitty movie in the middle of an article about Jenny Slate?

I hate the headline chosen for this, because it made me think I could actually invite the Muppets to my wedding. Fuck you.

And John Stamos as a child molester

I loved that Dewey still had a grudge against Donald for not naming him Turbo. Glomgold actually saving the day with his completely illogical plan that made a logical mind like Lunaris couldn’t fathom was hilarious. Also, someone needs to Kickstart Sharkas.