
I don’t know about you, but I enjoy this program and am glad that they are making more of it.

Why is this called Development Hell when it’s all about projects which are either completed or are definitely going to be made?

Just make regular newswires please.

Well if there’s anybody who would know a thing or two about being a talentless hack, it would be this current editorial staff!

“David Lynch has always been a talentless hack”. - Nü AV Club

It’s a disorienting feeling, to be in full agreement with the politics of this site but also feel like it’s pandering in a very corporate-mandated way. Generally, you find a commenter who’s all “GEEZ GET BACK TO ENTERTAINMENT, LEAVE POLITICS ALONE,” and you scratch a few inches deeper and presto, they’re a South Park

This article really seems to be sending me the message that Deadline is the place to turn for entertainment news, not The AV Club. Hey, maybe I could even comment on there without all my goddamn posts being sent to some grey Kinja purgatory where nobody will see ‘em!

Kinja Deals, A LOT of Handmaid’s Tale posts, and on Monday you’ll get 10 Westworld “think” pieces.

I won’t deny the intentional milking of unintentional humor in this footage, but can we stop calling everything “creepy” and “horrifying” on here? How old are the writers? 12? Last week they called the new Grinch movie “creepy”.

This does look more promising than the teaser made Wreck It Ralph 2 look. Hopefully that’s a good sign.

It seemed weird to me to go from games to just general internet in the sequel, I feel like there’s a lot more that they could explore going through game eras.

Bad take. Should’ve deleted.

I think Albarn is probably one of the most consistently great artists in pop music over the last 25 years, and is incredibly low key about it. I also find his voice incredibly comforting, like Tjinder Singh’s or Mavis Staples’.

The best solution. BRING BACK HAPPY ENDINGS.

Memorial Day, whatever? Ugh. I’m not one of those “stand for the national anthem” types, but that’s a shamefully phrased headline.

Go Team Venture!


Headline: Jake Gyllenhaal to play Mysterio
Article: Jake Gyllenhaal in talks to play Mysterio

Having been excited by early reports of this movie, I’m pretty disappointed. I was hoping for something legitimately dark, but this just looks like a dumb raunchy comedy with the sole shtick of “look at these puppets swearing and fucking!”

To play devil’s advocate (I love the show), is it fair to dismiss that with “it’s a sitcom” but then credit it with being socially progressive in other ways?