Joe E Dangerously

If we were on Buzzfeed I'd bake you a goddamn pie.

Curling, curling… Let's all go bloody curling!

Super Mario's older pedophile brother needs to get it right. Shitberg, not "shit bird." Jesus, people.

So that sentient mustache is still hanging around, huh? Good to know.

That would be perfect for Trump's tiny lightweight hands.


…And a Double Down. Can't forget the Double Down.

Let's see… Fabulously wealthy, world famous, hosted a beloved show for over a decade and a half… If that's what you'd call a failure you must be DAMN impressive.

I was shocked anyone would actually vote for Trump… But then I remembered they sold a lot of tickets to the Titanic too.

We are legend.

I'd be shocked if he didn't.

Trump's theme song.

You would need plenty of alcohol to be within a few yards of Trump too, I'd wager. Ironically one of the few times booze would have prevented vomiting.

Use your context clues.

Yes, it's everyone else's fault you kept reading after the warning and many lines of dashes to make sure you knew not to read if you didn't want to know anything at all. It's a TV show. No one killed your dog and burned down your house. It's information that's been publicly revealed about a TV show which you didn't

Nah, Tommy's been alive this whole time. He'll be back in the final season. Prometheus is Felicity's new boyfriend.

Well she wasn't a rich girl, she was raised on a cop's salary plus whatever her mom did for a living. But essentially you're right. They really failed The Black Canary in this show. They did not make her competent, they didn't give her realistic training, and they just kind of made her dead weight in the superhero

Just not a fan. I was not looking forward to the "recruits" storyline and I think I was right. The execution is terrible too. Okay, so you're the mayor And The Green Arrow so you're giving your identity away to some people you don't even know? They're not nearly tough enough to handle the sidekick thing yet so what if

Listen to those old shows and you'll find the advice they gave was not all that insightful, especially in their later years. When we were kids it seemed a lot more intelligent and reasonable than it actually was. Especially after 9/11. That really seemed to melt their brains. They gave bad advice a lot. Kids would

Unfortunately when people say dumb shit like that they don't realize they put others in an awkward position. For example, Phil McGraw once tweeted a question that was something like "Can someone give consent while intoxicated?" and people jumped all over him. Well… Here's the problem. That was the topic of his shitty