
It’s a visual shorthand that helps people keep progressing and playing. I welcome it rather than being forced to run around and awkwardly jump and leap at ledges the way I used to do when I played the original 90's Tomb Raider games.

I wouldn’t mind it so much if I at least had the option of playing in third person. It’s a rare first person game that doesn’t give me motion sickness to some degree (the only one in recent memory is Cyberpunk), so I would be far more excited if I had options.

It’s the old adage: Good, fast, cheap, you can pick two.

If they are planned for properly from the beginning, accessibility features would not be a major issue to implement at all. There are accessibility standards for apps, websites and other digital media and any good designer will plan for them to be present. Video games should be the same.

Portable, but tethered to Wi-Fi is such a curious combination. Maybe you could use it if you wanted to play something when someone else is using the TV, but I can’t see much practical application on the go.

I found the first three shrines easily enough. My big problem became how to get back to the Temple to Time and I ended up experimenting with mine carts and hooks (and finding a lot of treasure chests with boring items like arrows in them)for a good 3-4 hours before I remembered I could probably just fuse a bunch of

Not having finished a game that has been released for 10 years, you have nothing to say here.

Feels like Trover Saves the Universe is a big omission from this given that it is from the same studio and shares much of the same creative and humor.

I’m excited this is finally available to watch somewhere again. Previously it was unavailable to stream or purchase in decent quality in the US without a region free blu ray player or resorting to other sketchy means (not unlike procuring a braindance), which is astonishing given it has generally reviewed well and the

I’ll fully admit to enjoying cheesing enemies off edges, even when it’s unintentional. I got the Carian Shield by attempting to run into the elevator and find the lever to lower it and my pal the Carian Knight helpfully fell right into the elevator shaft. My reading of the bird’s behavior is more along the lines of

On an Xbox controller, you can actually just use LB to jump straight to the quit game screen once you are in the system menu , but I agree overall. Every time I hit Quit Game, I am ready to put my controller back on the charging dock, only to have to pick it back up and tap a button and scroll all the way down. It’s

Prior to World, which was the most accessible Monster Hunter game at the time, it was pretty niche.

That’s pretty much my exact experience with every Soulsborne game I’ve ever played.

It’s really not, though. Rogue-lites are filled with complex and precisely balanced systems that have to both present a challenge and still give players enough of a glimmer of hope they they keep going. That’s not something you can throw together in a couple days.

It got you to click, didn’t it?

Same. I’m not expecting it before May or so now.

My first Metroid game years ago was Super Metroid, and I would have never made it through the first time without a guide. Navigation was extremely tricky with that blocky pink map.

As of right now, that’s asking far too much and providing far too little.

The cyberpunk game I’ve enjoyed most over the past year was Cloudpunk. Intriguing story and characters, great synth soundtrack, cool voxel based graphics, loads of neon and you get to pilot a fleet of hover cars. It rules.

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