
Waifu-fest 2015

Only to pull off a survivor style betrayal at the next tribal council meeting.

communicable disease like measles, pertussis, mumps, rubella, chicken pox and poliovirus,

Aw man, I would send him the $5,000 right now, but someone from Wells Fargo recently contacted me telling me that I had a deposit of $16,000 waiting for me and all I had to do was give them my user name and password so they could finish the transfer.

I’ll have to pay the Nigerian prince out of that, because I’m broke

Maybe we can assume the fan was joking and Gotze (I love his music, BTW) was in on the joke.

Go Team Robin!

(I’ll preface this by saying Nerd Rage is my comic...I write and draw it.)

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I’m sorry but that’s LORD Humungus, breathing roadkill.

Okay, I read most of it. I was on a Trident sub years ago and I can tell you this guy is mostly full of shit.

Sometimes you get tired of Sandviches

No one even plays it properly lmao

“Okay, but why didn’t you get him to come in?”

Riot attempts to fix game lag.


Can we all shut up about this already? Can no one rewind back to before the Dark Knight’s release and how EVERYONE was bitching about Heath Ledger’s Joker design? It’s basically the same thing all over again. Once the Dark Knight released, all of those hater’s quickly changed their attitude and claimed “Ledger’s Joker

I have faith in the actor but not in the movie. I’m scared of Will Smith. He is not the kind to sit in the back. I fear it will be Will Smith’s Deadlock and the Suicide Squad.