
THE MUSTANG is now available in my country. Too bad the price plus insurance and road tax makes it prohibitively expensive.

A Mustang walked into a bar. The bartender asked “Why the long face?”.

Tattooed lady with pink lightsaber. You can use the force on me anytime.

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.



So wrong but so right.

This man reminds me of my own mortality and the whims of digital items.

I thought those guys were extinct. Looks like they’re making a sequel. Lol

I swear to god I have never been to New York but the time I spent playing The Division makes that picture eerily familiar.

1. It’s hard bombing ants.

Actually it’s those cats who would’ve made a difference. So blame your cat. Thanks for Trump Mr. Whiskers.

That is a great idea. Have Vader kill of all of them + a few gratuitous Force choking scene.

They should have killed Leia first. Kylo killing Leia would have a much dramatic effect and ford is still around (fingers crossed).

Stand right there on the side of the X and I will free you from your sins.

Hahaha. Proper diablo

1. The priest shall die at the end.

Brings a whole new meaning to the statement “You look so hot!”

Or do it like the natives in Sarawak. 2 pigs, 1 killed early for the picking up the bride and the second to be killed by the groom’s rep at the door before entering the bride’s residence. Nothing says I love you and want to be with you forever like shedding the blood of a swine. Hell yeah!!!

Those who wants to start up in the KS scene must remember this. Communicate, communicate, communicate. If you don’t communicate, the community will become toxic and in the end you only have yourself to blame.