Joe Don Baker IS Mitchell

I had actually written more of a standard rebuttal, but realized it would have been lost on you. As I said before, and as you've repeatedly demonstrated, you are medically illiterate. You still don't even know what an inflammatory response is. Besides, YOU didn't say anything, you copied it all from a blog. And here's

Sorry, but the David Lynch of music is Scott Walker.

I saw him live about 10 years ago, was expecting a good show - but damn, did he blow me away. Never would have expected it to be so powerful.

Because you have your friend's password?

Your words bother me because people like you are getting people killed. It's as simple as that. As far as "words" go, why don't you stop copy-pasting them and look up some of those studies. I did, and (surprise!) they don't mean what the author claims they do. And get off the blogs with the fucking scare mongering

As an RN, I sympathize. There are a frightening number of biblical literalists in the medical community.

A woman I was seeing had a few memes up on Facebook with that "I'm Not Saying It's Aliens, But…" guy. I thought they were jokes, naturally, and made a joke about him, too. Turned out she was completely on board with the whole ancient aliens thing. In retrospect, I should have taken the fact that she really loved

Oh, the irony of you calling someone "ignorant."

It's better when you think of them as just being bugs, which they pretty much are. Well, maybe "better" isn't the right word…

Again, I want the patho on the cause of this alleged interference/alteration. Everything you've said is vague enough to be meaningless. To start with, do you have any clue how broad of a term "inflammation" is?
You also don't seem to realize that not all babies drink breast milk and not all breast milk is necessarily

Hey, we'll always have his Crank 2 commentary track.

I think "Jonah Hill" goes between Black and Gad.

So is "inflammatory response" the new "toxins"? A new catch-all phrase to be used ad nauseam by morons without any sort of medical education and no idea of what it actually means?
Seriously, lay out the pathophysiology on how is this unspecified inflammatory response is supposed to damage immune system development. And

There were a few more things that were changed, like the backstory of Ed/Nadine/Norma/Hank, and the story of James' family. And we all know that James is almost as crucial to everything as M.T. Wentz, so we're talking a REAL game changer here. Frost has hinted that any "mistakes" in the book are intentional, but it

It was never a difficult show to understand, outside of the Black Lodge sequences, and there are plenty of us "geezers" who have watched the show again (even multiple times) since it went off the air - aside from the pilot, it's not as if there was a dearth of home media options over the years. As for any revisions,

There was no original plan to return 25 years later - the line in the finale was referencing the dream Cooper had in the second episode. But that fact aside, it's definitely not a nostalgia cash-in either.

Lost Highway is like a rough first draft of Mulholland Drive. Maybe I should revisit LH since I haven't seen it practically since it came out, but it's my least favorite film of his.

Really wish I still lived in Chicago so I could see it in the theater along with the rest of the Lynch retrospective going on at the Music Box. Back when it originally came out I was in a podunk rural town and kept my fingers crossed that the local theater would show it, but no… just Sister Act for weeks upon weeks.

That is an extremely punchable face.

Hell, I'm expecting the revival to be MUCH more like Fire Walk With Me than the original series. And I'm also expecting a lot of viewers who never saw or didn't like the movie will be very disappointed.