Or with his girdle.
Or with his girdle.
I searched through that study trying to find which denominations counted as "mainline" and "evangelical" with no luck. And of course there's no mention about the differences between denominations, within denominations, and even within congregations.
You do realize that "mainstream evangelical" is a bit of an oxymoron, right? They may be the most vocal, but they in no way represent the mainstream of Protestantism, let alone all of Christianity.
Diahann Carroll? Or Starship?
I've read their collaborations described as MOR psychedelia, which sums it up nicely.
I guess there must have been a delay between tapes hitting video stores and being sold at Walmart of wherever. The only expensive ones I remember from that era were copies of Doctor Who, which has a massive nerd tax on them even back then.
I don't remember videos being like that at the time. In the mid 1980s, sure, but I was a sophomore in college when Pulp Fiction came out and already had a massive VHS collection and I sure didn't amass it paying $75 a pop.
All of his arguments are based on extremely subjective (and I'd say frequently off base and largely superficial - seriously, since when is Karl "defined by his drinking habits"?) interpretations of the characters in Fargo and in the works cited. Add to that the fact that apparently you have to "flip" and "twist" many…
I read that link and am now even more convinced that the guy has no idea what he's talking about. Reed Richards is jealous of that dude's reach.
Movie? No, there was never a movie. Nope. Just the comic books. Only the comic books. No movie whatsoever. Never.
It appears to be the exact same figure and vehicle from back in the RotJ days, so just get out your old toys and play with them!
I get the distinct impression that the author of that post (and no offense if the author is you) has never read Waiting for Godot, The Myth Of Sisyphus, or The Castle (or any works by Beckett, Camus, or Kafka for that matter).
It's about Mr. Eddie's Father.
Newswire? You mean that hasn't been cut by Univision yet?
No, but I remember when my mom said that Satan was making KISS's guitars float and letting them breathe fire. Thank Jeebus she forgot about all that bullshit a few years later.
Yeah, there was a second artist that did the realistic ones. Surprisingly, given Chick's xenophobia and racism, he was a black guy.
Haw Haw!
Short answer is no, it's against editorial policy to give an A+. Long answer is that there have been a couple that have slipped through the cracks, thought those are quickly changed, and a couple that have been given in the now-defunct (Thanks, Univision!) "Classic" reviews
Punch Rockgroin!
I mentioned that I had seen this movie to this girl I knew from Turkey and she was shocked/horrified/embarrassed that anyone outside of her country even knew about its existence. From the way she described it, it's like a point of shame over there.