Joe Dick

I wouldn’t put too much stock in that critical acclaim - a show like that, with a title like that, no critic - especially no white critic - is going to want to say it sucks.

<i>ostensibly for having the gall to want to include Caucasian folks in the conversation</i>

It’s funny to see a stupid person try to be a real film critic.

Why? Hasn’t this comic sucked bad enough? They’d have to get someone other than Portman - She Thor at 5'2" would kind of lack punch. Of course, for the Thor Porn Parody a She Thor works, but not otherwise.

Because it still sucks.

<i>are some of the best comics Marvel has put out in the last five years</i>

Nothing that happens in any of these movies matters, that’s the problem.

You’re part of the problem, Alex. It’s because of people like you they keep making these shit movies. Give me Ant Man and the Wasp any day over the Infinity War bullshit. At least in Ant Man they know comic books are silly and stupid.

The Chinese are not all that fond of the Japanese, so they might prefer it to be something demeaning to the Japanese.

Nah, he’d happily indulge all his darkest fantasies to the point that even The Man in Black would say “Dude, bro, dial back a bit, huh?”

<i>most historically accurate or culturally sensitive fantasies</i>

Most likely. The point of these places was to have fun, not to be a history lecture. ...In Samurai World a nice touch would be for the Hosts to talk like they’re badly dubbed.

Tom, you’re history’s greatest monster!

He’s craving his outrage fix. Your first high is always the best. He’s chasing that dragon. It takes more and more to get that same high. When you’re hooked like that, all you think about is scoring.

People who fantasize about shooting other people for minor annoyances out to be shot.

It’s a strange - and, dare I say it? racist - idea that foreigners would not be interested in the Wild West. Charles Pulliam-Moore is a racist.

Maybe the future is even more racist than now. That’s also a possibility.

Westworld is based on a Wild West that only ever existed in movies. Shogun World, likewise, will be based on the Japan of cheesy Samurai movies. It will only have to be true to that.

<i>it’s impossible to ignore the fact that the bulk of Westworld’s core characters and the ancillary visitors we’ve seen have been predominantly white.</i>

I know how disappointed you’ll be if they do get it “right” and there’s nothing you can twist to make racist. You won’t have anything to write about! And your fellow SJWs won’t be able to get their outrage fix.