Joe Dick

And the more Henson gets to scam clueless men on screen, the better!

What happened to “I believe the victims”? You can’t question it at all. Of course it’s true.

Now all they have to do is get rid of Gal Gadot. Maybe hire a Greek actress. Somebody will some acting ability, anyway.

There’s something wrong with you.

I’m surprised you’d be for this. With the power dynamic at play here, if she marries him it’s because she feels she has to! He’s a PREDATOR!

Huh? I know this is, but she didn’t do this - it’s the Drummond Family that takes the credit.

190 questions, administered by psychology students, what could go wrong?

Hm, yeah, that sounds pretty bogus. A questionnaire of 190 questions vs Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist administered by a psychologist trained to administer it. I wonder which is the most accurate.

If some old, fat, ugly women were flashing their snatches you’d probably congratulate them on being “badass,” or you’d just say “This.”

Yeah, until one of those women they’ve had consensual sex gets mad at them for something, and then suddenly the sex wasn’t consensual.

Wow, your hatred of men even extends to your own father. Sad!

I’m pretty anti-war but luckily I’m smarter than you - I didn’t need to join the military to figure out war is bad.

It’s too bad flagging doesn’t work - I’d flag this hate-filled, angry comment of yours but it wouldn’t do any good.

Yes, the level of discourse is so high here. With every comment you make you lower it further, especially since a dozen others operating on the same low level will pile on and make sure you get those pats on the back.

Or, you know, they’re innocent. But this is a place for man-haters, so...

I know the commenter is himself worried about his own shit coming to light.

What woman wouldn’t be broken on that wheel?

No, she’s not - and stop misusing that word.

You have no idea how rare they might be since most false accusers do not come forward.

This place is for man hating. If you ain’t gonna hate on men, GET THE FUCK OUT!