
yes because it CAN survive in sputum. in a low UV damp environment. The Complete Oposite of an Airplane interior at altitude even under pressurization.

snot sputum vomit sweat blood feeces and urine... Body fluids. It spreads more like AIDS rather than Influenza.

no it doesnt spread anything like the common cold. invluenza is actually airborn it survives in the air. THIS stuff doesnt infact simple SUNLIGHT kills it rather effectively.

Lets see the small pox stuff was from the 50s and were lost for almost 70 years, Anthrax being sent over the country not an extrordinary issue If you live in the country near a cow farm you already have had exposure. Your depth of knowlege of the subject is showing.

Yep freedom of speach at all costs Pretty much covers it. Oh you want people to self censor because you dont like the message??

you assume Other peoples feelings matter. You falsely assume feelings are valid excuses for anything. You just celebrated ignorance congratulations

respect is EARNED. You may be conflating respect with dignity which is forgiveable.

a girl after my own heart

Why? does it help your story to define your character one way or the other? If it doesnt help the story or move along the narative the gender of your character doesnt matter.

the fact that so many women get away with exactly that excuse. and then get angry when men argue logically getting called mysoginist in the process has nothing to do with the stereotype. Stereotypes exist for a reason because they are true for enough of a sample size of a population to be sufficient for working

no folks like you spout it in real life and then get offended when people point out your inaccuracies.

Were they there to heckle the people or the spectacle they make of themselves by requesting diffent treatment.

actually no assault comes in one form.

violence is an action. Clubing someone on the head is violence. Saying someone disagrees with you is not.

Tone policing... buzzword for disagreeing with..

name one author who has done that and you had better be able to cite your soruce.

how can your series be popular it isnt on the shelf at a major book retailer and who have been reading science fiction for 30 of my 35 years have never heard of you. How can your series be popular if it is not providing you a living. (Your wiki states that you are NOT a writer by profession) AND as near as i can tell

john scalzi is a guilty white liberal that is ashamed that he isnt a minority.

I like brad hes a good guy. But Larry is the KING! and Vox Day is awesome

Very excelent.