
Amazon paid $200 million to show the film. The actual production costs may have been a lot less.

I expect next season to be the last. They may probably find ways to work around her absence if she goes.

I tend to put Caitlin’s medical skill along with Cecile’s legal skills. I just go with it.

I seem to recall that since Barry is a meta that it would affect a normal pregnancy test.

The Hall of Justice is no more. That tease at the end of Crisis went nowhere. Supergirl is leaving, Superman is barely in the new universe, and Black Lightning has retired.

I’m also hoping for the “real” Sara to show up.

I did like the “friend in National City” reference, but she could have actually said Supergirl. If someone knows Kate is Batwoman, it makes sense that Kate would know Supergirl.

Thanks for remining me. I had thought of Coulson after Picard “died”. Now was Coulson actually Coulson after ‘Tahiti’.

Sara has been dead before, but it was always Sara in Sara’s body. This is much different. I’m still trying to get over Picard not being Picard. We have to look back on their previous shows as the ‘real”, original character. Maybe Q can fix both of them.

I never bought into the multiverse mention. The multiverse is becoming a new sci-fi trope. Marvel is even using it. Things like the new Fortress which is nothing like Supergirl’s don’t help the cause of a joined universe. I was also thinking the same thing about Diggle. It was nice to see him in Gotham City, but we’ll

You can have shows like this without ignoring the whole Arrowverse. A few references to other shows should not be a problem. What was the whole point of Crisis? Marvel moved on after Endgame, but they have not ignored all that came before and, instead, is building on the previous universe without ignoring it.

What was the shout out to the multiverse? I must have missed it.

It would be nice  to find out where he is going on vacation and find ways to make it hell for him, but they probably would not let us into the KKK rally.

Now playing

“ adopted Son of Sam’s demon dog!”

After having binge watched the entire Legend series over the winter, I believe that this is the first time we’ve actually been inside the Waverider’s only bathroom.

Looks like another Arrowverse courtroom scene when Flash comes back from its break. Those are always pretty bad. No way it can be as bad as last weeks Supergirl.

I’m thinking that this might be a few years after Crisis and the end of the Supergirl showThat may explain why Supergirl was not at her aunt’s funeral.

So there will be only two more Black Lightning episode reviews? Why?

When is “Punch-A-Nazi Day” this year?