Joe Cool

Horford’s not technically wrong.

I guess we can stop wondering how German citizens lived through the Third Reich. Just like this.

Jesus willingly allowed himself to be killed, and I won’t worship him because I’ll be damned if I support suicide.  

The anti-vax stance is ridiculous for a ton of reasons, but this:

A small percentage of people who contracted chickenpox dies. You’re helping spread chickenpox by not being vaccinated. So where do you stand now with your “thou shalt not kill”, you stupid piece of shit?

“This is just a personal view. I’m not a medical doctor,” Becker said.

Friedman looks like a guy who’d try and befriend you at a Sandal’s resort.

Also, I’m fucking tired of this “magical Donald Trump” bullshit. He doesn’t warp the people he comes into contact with, like goddamn Sauron in Lord of the Rings. He’s a fucking moron with delusions of grandeur. Those people come to him because they want to belly up to the corruption trough and slurp up sweet, sweet,

Growing up, I was always fascinated with the magician-psychic Uri Geller, who was famous for bending spoons with his supposed supernatural powers.

Is there a number I need to get at the counter to get in line to write for the NYT, or will they just call my name when it’s my turn?

This blog’s written in... NEE-YEW YAUWURK CITEH?!?!? 

It’s a tactic that abusers use called DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

I’m fully aware I’m likely replying to a troll, but I think this bears a bit of clarification: Every. Single. Time. that FOX or a similar outlet issues a call for “civility,” it either immediately follows or precedes actions or words that are decidedly uncivil toward their opponents.

That’s what makes it such a

There will always be a huge disconnect between calls for “civility” and the words and actions of the people making those calls.

This is because—at least in our present moment—“civility” is just code for, “Don’t call us out on our shit. We find it embarrassing and inconvenient, and lack the rhetorical chops/intellectual

I propose the belief that gun laws are impossible so we shouldn’t even try is related to what’s “deeply wrong with Americans.”

Calls for genocide used to be met with the basic end of a person’s career in any sort of public facing field.

He lost money on casinos, football and vodka. In America. 

It takes a special kind of moron to lose money in America trying to sell steaks, booze, gambling, and football.

How the fuck can you lose money owning casinos. I mean, like Mr. Burns said: “people walk in, empty their wallets, and leave. It’s the ultimate business model!”

OMIGAWD YOU GUYZ this is getting so fuckin juicaaayyyy.