Joe Cool

Look, we all saw Trump bait Elizabeth Warren with the DNA nonsense, and if what you want is for the Dems to advance towards impeachment, knowing Republicans will shoot it down in the Senate, all so Trump can take another victory lap just like he did after Barr’s summary, and use that going into the 2020 elections,

“I said that I thought it didn’t make any sense that somehow women’s liberation became about birth control. I said it seems like women sold out, because if they really wanted change, they should have changed society to fit them, rather than changing themselves to fit into society.”

I was born to a non-practicing, Jewish family. East coast, liberal, thinks education is a good thing; you know the type.

Oh Jesus.

Considering what an unhinged shitshow and complete moron he is when he’s in public, allegedly at his best, my mind boggles at the thought of what he must be like behind closed doors when the cameras and any other protective filters have been removed.

It doesn’t matter if they thought it was a joke,” said Scott Dressel, Public Information Officer at the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office. “It’s not a joke. There’s no joking about something like this. You don’t make a joke about killing people. It’s not a joke.

I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the next few days. As soon as I saw those tidbits about people just ignoring his terrible/illegal orders in the Mueller report, I knew that would end up being his focus.


This is actually pretty big. He’s effectively suing to restrict Congressional oversight over the Executive branch.

They have been pushing for his taxes and haven’t let up. The messaging they’re doing is unequivocal about the financial investigations and tax returns. The messaging they’re doing about impeachment is deliberately cagey, “maybe I will and maybe I won’t”, because this keeps the pressure on the Trumpites & keeps them

I can’t help but feel that this is going to be where things are won and lost. Democrats need to control the messaging on this and keep pushing for his taxes. I don’t have a ton of faith they’ll manage to do either, but the way this class has operated since the election in 2018 does give me a tad more faith than the

Nice to see we’ve come full circle as a species...

Wonder if the press will hold her feet to the fire on this? Probably not. Hell, there likely won’t ever be another press briefing.

This isn’t surprising. She’s evil, but she’s not stupid.

“Her comments were not founded on anything” needs to be carved on Sanders’ tombstone.


Not while Trump is President.

The last time the House pursued impeachment, the Vice President would have won the next presidential election were it not for the Republican nominee’s brother running the Florida election and his family friend on SCOTUS deciding that he won after the brother fucked it all up.

Something, something, the final command of the party, something, evidence of ears and eyes, something.

Look, not everything people categorize as Orwellian rises to that level, but dude’s spinning so fast in his grave right now that he’s just solved our energy needs for the next thousand years.

We all know exactly how