Joe Cool

Barr literally ran the Iran-Contra cover-up. Anyone who capable of reading a wikipedia page who thought he was going to be some beacon of truth and honesty is a moron or lying.

Looking back a few months, isn’t it adorable how some liberals and independents genuinely thought that Barr was an old school “Constitutionalist Republican” who would put America and the law ahead of being just another GOP Trump lickspittle who will do anything to cover his crimes?

Via the NYTs

Great, now we’re going to spend the whole 2020 campaign with Republicans whining about these Telfair queens.

Funny how these ballot initiative always get better results than what our “representatives” can churn out.

Wrong again, Shildt. The definition of insanity is a bagel sliced like a loaf of bread.

Update: In his first at-bat today, Yelich fouled out. So far, this new plan is working.

No, you turning an ultra-toxic fan throwing racial epithets towards an athlete and him responding by saying “I’ll fuck you up and your wife” - a situation which ended with the fan getting perma-banned and Russ facing no punishment whatsoever - into “threatening to hit a woman” as the sole summary of that situation -

You’re not Jewish. Neither am I. Try to make your vague charges of anti-Semitism more clear next time, proudboi. And maybe say “Jewish” instead of “Jew” if you really want to sell your bullshit, you fucking hick.

Figures. Evolution and climate change are already part of the liberal deep state, might as well throw medicine in there as well.

Just another reason to cheer for Rupert’s demise. 

“This is a bombshell!” Wohl gushed inappropriately after the phone tidbit. “This is the first I’ve heard of this!”

I once whipped my uncle’s ass at Tekken 3 in front of all of my cousins. Like a week later, his son starts acting up at school and at home. I don’t think it was a coincidence: his kids lost all respect for him.

My theory is that Molly saw that Max was about to cough and made the split second decision to blow a little ass, hoping the exceptionally loud sounds of Stephen talking and Max coughing would cover up her shame.  Do you know why no one laughed or looked upset when it happened?  Because it was a girl!  I, and all men,

Not as much as you have inside your three day old underwear.  


She’s right. It’s disgusting. Regardless of whether or not you “soil” your undergarments (seriously?) or they smell bad, you still have bacteria and fecal matter in your underwear.  

Repurposes as much of those items as you can as garage rags. 

The key difference, for those keeping score at home, is that voter fraud is a fake problem and voter suppression is a real one.

What does fate have in common with Rudy Giuliani? They both like to fuck Cousins.