
I know! For guy his age he still has a lot of energy.of course being crazy helps I guess.

This is why we need to get back to taxing rich people up the ass. Less money for their attorneys to make ridiculous claims on regular people.

Young McQueen the actor is beloved? I didn't even know he was on a show until you told me just now.

Making a point to come back to this page after watching the premiere last night. When I read this review I thought to myself, "This isn't helpful to me." It spoils some details of the season and it's dour. As a fan of the guy, I don't wanna approach anything he does with this attitude. I think what you did here was

They could have just asked me not to watch, they didn't HAVE to cast Catherine Keener.

You're blowing my mind. If Cohle and Hart show up in the Tardis I will explode.

I'll just call you a horse's ass. Don't inflict yourself on others in real life in the same way, they'll just punch you.

Officially and always my first choice is British actor Paterson Joseph who you might remember from episodes Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways or Channel 4's Peep Show. I am also game for a female doctor. I think it could be Peter Capaldi. As long as it isn't a teenager.

Yes, Carlin was wonderful in Jersey Girl, which frankly is not so bad, esp if you're a fan of Sweeney Todd.

Gotta wonder if someone's moving back to Quahog.

Does this really matter at all?

She's 26. What could she possibly tell anyone?

She's 26. What could she possibly tell anyone?



Hey, there is nothing wrong with pandering to stoners … when you are one. If he was Sarah Palin pandering to stoners I would get pissed. It isn't.

Hey, there is nothing wrong with pandering to stoners … when you are one. If he was Sarah Palin pandering to stoners I would get pissed. It isn't.

How ridiculous. You don't even see his full face. Nuts.

How ridiculous. You don't even see his full face. Nuts.

One of my favorite episodes of the show. Sue Ann is great with her little sister and Mary ends up not having a lit cigar shoved up her nose by Mackenzie Phillips. Plus, isn't this an ep with Penny Marshall and Mary Kay Place?