People up the wall with his nonsense.
People up the wall with his nonsense.
Mostly a golf cart.
He doesn’t drive. Period. Never has I imagine
Whatever he drives I’m sure it has a console-mounted handbrake so he can make all those crazy 180 degree turns.
Mostly sofas/love seats with lubed glove between the cushions
He’s more of a rider.
My wife has a 2015 Tangerine Pearl Crosstrek.. it gets around 33-35mpg.. never thought I would hear that as not good...
Well of course, everything people really want to drive is sold out.
I had one of those V8-equipped T-birds and you’re just dead wrong about the auto being better. It was an infuriating lump that never seemed to know which gear it should be in. The “gear hunting” was ridiculous and made we sad I could not option the manual version.
It’s true you do need to tune the ECU (usually through a PowerCommander or similar) when changing exhausts but unless that crotch rocket is about 2 decades old, it shouldn’t have any jets anywhere to be found on it.
I installed muffler deletes on my WRX with 1000 miles. Way too quiet stock. It might be too loud now (opinions vary), but still worth it. Manual cars benefit from a loud exhaust, not so much on an automatic.