Joe Blondie

I get this is all one of the key components of their narratives and I know living in 'MURICA it's something the show needs to address directly, but I hope it doesn't take up so much time in the next episodes (unless there's going be a lot more than the initial 13). Discussions between Halley and Hook and the 'poetry

'Animal House'. I watched the end parade scene abut a million time growing up on TV with my dad and I thought (and still do) that it's on of the funniest sequence of events ever.
But that's all I saw, and even if I were to stumble upon another scene channel surfing, I probably wouldn't even have known it was the

Pale King's so good. The plot lines he had in mind looked so fascinating and were enjoyable to read, even in it's uncompleted state. It gets me so depressed, though. I'm an accountant that lives in central Illinois that loves DFW. Easily would have been the best book in the history of books for me if it had been

Update from last post! Finished 'Telegraph Avenue' and started my journey through 'In Search of Lost Time'. (Incidentally, I noticed one of the AV Q&A guys mentioned he was close to the end, reading one a year. I'll probably go that route.)
In between, I read a short Tolstoy story, 'The Forged Coupon'. Anybody else

My dad told me when he went to see 'The Empire Strikes Back', there were previews for 'Return of the Jedi' and the preview prominently showed Han Solo in action, so he thought that kind of took the tension out of the mysterious fate of Han toward the end of Empire.

Excellent point! I think twist endings are only good when you don't know that there's one to begin with, so I can see why the first viewing would be great for that movie. No one advertised it as a movie with a twist ending. When someone goes on about 'Well, there's a twist, but I won't spoil it for you', I feel

That can make it better sometimes! The Red Wedding isn't the best case because it happens so fast, but sometimes knowing how the plot ends, especially if the beginning is so different, makes things a lot more suspenseful. You're left wondering the whole time. I.E., if you know a character becomes some emotionless,

Yeah. A twist is good, but I think if that's all the story has going for it, you'll probably forget about it. So many things have a twist anymore.

I watched 'Fight Club' about a month ago. I already knew the big spoiler (you can't get mad at someone for spoiling a movie that's 10+ yrs old), but in some ways that made the movie more enjoyable because there's a lot of hints throughout the movie that I wouldn't have caught. I rarely watch a movie more than once,

"Omelette du fromage" is the beginning and end of my understanding of the french language.

I just finished Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. I thought it got to be a bit of a slog 3 quarters through it (lots of blocks of text of two people arguing politics/philosophies), but then when Ellen Brand’s character gets introduced… Damn! That book takes a turn.