
Why? Because he is arguing for better public transportation that will reduce the amount of cars on the road?

By the standards of basically every other western democracy he is absolutely center-right.

So do people think that comparing the 46% of Americans who voted for the Republican to Hitler/Third Reich is going to “unify” this country”

Glory be! Is this <shudder> an extension cord draped across the entire garage? And you plan to leave it in this state all night while we’re sleeping? 
I say, this is simply not tenable!

EVs still have suspensions, tires, brakes, wipers etc etc. There's still maintenance.

*checks garage*

But then you have to drive a Frontier, is the problem. It’s the Mitubishi Mirage of trucks. Trucks have a pecking order, and the Frontier is solidly at the very bottom. I know it’s dumb to care about that, but I’m not immune to it and neither are most other people.

A single associate

It’s almost like Nissan has been lead by morons for the past 15 years and is paying for it now......

Hah! I left a comment back then like all the other gearheads that there was no way they blew past 300mph.

I see that TVR is using the same strategy for the Griffith that I have been using for putting pavers in the backyard between the patio and the pergola. I really want there to be a nice little path there, but also... I’m just going to do it eventually. I don’t know why everyone expects me to do everything “this year”

weak pull out game” would be a decent punk-rock band name.

When they start throwing around made-up words like “zylon,” you just know it’s going to be expensive.

Pontiac.  Because they made better looking Chevy’s.

That’s not how an economy works. That’s how private, for-profit business works in a free-market capitalistic economy. If there is a societal need that cannot be provided by a private business for a profit in such an economic structure, that is know as a “market failure.” The need doesn’t go away, so other ways to

From my perspective as a follower of modern monetary theory, the gov can just make numbers appear on a computer and suddenly they can fix the roads. If/when inflation happens, they can just increase interest rates to pull money out of circulation.

The government can’t run out of money. Just pay for the things we need.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

(chuckle) I liked the part about Loren decomposing.

Or, you know, just crush the junk car they bought for the express purpose of portraying as crushed in their commercial, because what the hell are they going to do with an old junker after they’re done shooting? It’d just go right into the crusher anyway.

I'd personally argue that neglect and the elements killed that truck years ago and being crushed for a commercial was the most use anyone was ever going to get out of it.