"What a maroon" is my favorite pull of this whole thread #BugsBunnyForever
"What a maroon" is my favorite pull of this whole thread #BugsBunnyForever
I don't know that I agree with the whole assessment that Frank intended the Russo failure from the start. When he thought he could still control him, I felt like he was behind him 100%. It was only when Russo made that phone call to Frank and acted "uncontrollable" that Frank decided to put the plan in motion to bring…
Put the food up in the tree… Where the bear can't get it….
It's called poetic license. Easy, Tiger.
And then there's you: Further. Proving. My point.
…and now presenting, right below this post, all the posts of those Goobs who think they're being funny by doing exactly what the article said you would do. You win… a higher-placed post on Facebook for your utter lack of imagination. Congrats!
So the Gattaca Clinic or whatever it is, the doctor assures his co-conspirator "I was very careful, there's no ties to you"… But UPSTAIRS, in a room just ABOVE the clinic… is the Brood Mare Farm they've set up…… "I was very careful, but no one is allowed to push the elevator button marked 'Baby Farm,' I was very clear…
If there were ever a comment on which I was NOT going to click on "see more," it's this one.