Joe the Tech

@7:55 - "This looks like an all-nighter at Richard Simmons' house."

In the third paragraph, the globular cluster is referred to as "M83". This designation isn't stated anywhere else in the article and I therefore conclude that it is actually a typo and meant to be "M53".

Off. The laser sets off the firecracker.

If modern cinema has taught me anything, it has been since the summer of 1987.

Yeah, unless your significant other is a good sport, don't play competitive games with them. My wife is not a good loser, but rather than cursing or getting violent, she becomes very passive-aggressive and self-deprecating. Then I spend the next hour reassuring her it's not because she's stupid or uncoordinated or

Physics glitches.


Speaking of camera work...

You might even say she was a... clever girl?

Sure we can. We just need a little help.

Should've ordered the soup.

With two changes in punctuation, I can turn that headline into the most interesting thing I've read all day.

Can I do this?

You know what's really scary? I can't tell if those are raw peppercorns or capers.

As an old fan of SimCity (and Maxis in general), I'd love to be excited for this. However, I remember how excited I was when the very first teasers for Spore came out. We all saw how well that ended. Ah well, as long as they keep releasing content for The Sims, at least my wife will be happy.

Aw, how cute. His proboscis has a little mustache on the end.

"The sun projects light out towards the other objects, the Earth reflects light, and some of that reflected life hits the moon, which then reflects that light to telescopes."

Personally, if I'm going to append the "... of Destiny" attribute to anything, it's going to be to this.

I think this is my new favorite thread on Kotaku. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Mr. Schreier.

The Konami Code (or something nearly identical) is used on webOS systems to enable "developer mode".