Joe the Tech

Who hollows eggs before dying them? It's much easier to just hard-boil them.

There are many more requirements that are not expressed here. I was extremely interested in participating in this experiment, having met all of the requirements stated in this article, but then read this: "No history of upper airway surgery, rhinoplasty, chronic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis"

My God, it's already begun!

It's a damn shame. At least now I can point to my crates full of old Dragon magazines and say to my wife "These are collectors items!". You know, more so than I already do.

I'll be second in line with you, but I'm pretty sure something tragic happened to the original artist (David Trampier). He doesn't appear to exist anymore.

My watch runs on quartz. Does that count?

In upstate New York, snow turns you yellow... because it's concentrated nitric acid and it's denaturing your DNA.

Wait... I thought it was their feet that were supposed to be hairy.

Nostalgia on the Nintendo DS. If you're a fan of old JRPGs, then the you'll understand why it's so aptly named.

Perhaps the column will delve into the mystery of what happened to both Square and Enix (arguably the two best producers of jRPGs from the 8- and 16-bit eras, though I'm not discounting Atlus by any means) when they combined that would lead to their games losing the magic that they held for a lot of "old timers" like

After reading the title, I felt it should've been "Perfectly Pixilated Prince of Persia Prowls the Pavement of Palestine". You can't go halfway with alliteration.

"And then, it'll be too late to resist, you stupid gourmand."

This is the sort of article that needs no explanation other than the title.

Yeah, there's that. Or there's the much more likely possibility that you didn't get the diseases that you weren't vaccinated against because all of the other children's parents were intelligent enough to vaccinate their children, thus not exposing you to things like typhoid, mumps, rubella, etc.

Good luck catching a balloon with a helicopter.

Having eaten one of the fabled Bhut Jolokia peppers, I must try this. If only to remind myself what true pain is like without breaking a bone or being shot.

Promoted because I love a good chemistry joke... and I like your avatar.

A jedi walks into a Mos Eisley cantina... there were no survivors.

I think you understand the people I deal with on a daily basis, then.

I'm going to have to compare the 7750 with the older 5670 and see which one takes the title of "Most Power PCIx Card That Doesn't Require a Power Connector". That's actually a surprisingly popular criteria in my neck of the woods, what with all the people buying their PCs from WalMart and then realizing it doesn't