
Incredibly most modern carmakers aren’t even aware how far away you can spot an egg from behind the wheel.

Wait, what?  America likes small cars now?

Out of curiosity, where do you live? From my experience in numerous Midwestern cities, it seems like the small car stigma has actually gotten much worse over the past decade, and any parity reached with Europe has come from them also choosing to prioritize larger vehicles. Anecdotal evidence only goes so far, but that

I get where you’re going, but in this case no - it’s a special paint package/wheel combo. It only comes in this color (similar to the yellow special edition FR-S from a few years back).

You said a lot of things. You mentioned exotic sports car, McLaren, and Porsche. Being priced just under $100k makes you compete with Porsche’s lower end. Does not come close to competing with McLaren, and is not close to any exotic in existence today.

Mustangs and Vettel are somewhat similar in that they both like to run into shit.

Supra wants in on this.

I get that I’m shouting at clouds here... but of all the cars being released without a manual, this one falls into the category of making the least amount of sense.

My point is that they shouldn’t be mad at that car, it is literally a jalop wet dream.

After decades of GM-style buyouts where they take a brand and then take away everything that made people care about that brand Geely’s style of buying brands and just letting them do what they were famous for is strange and confusing and I keep expecting some sort of disaster to befall it.


I really like the exterior styling.

They really aren’t on the same level, though Infiniti tries to get there. They’ve been progressively making their cars more and more ugly, but haven’t figured out how to make a completely hideous shitbox like Lexus and Acura yet.

“I have no idea what factors actually led to this happening, but I will still insert my preferred political position.”

To be fair, crossing gates are usually the responsibility of the railroad to maintain and isn’t necessarily a govt. funding issue. I know there was a level crossing on a dirt road where I grew up. Took collisions with 5 different grain trucks before they finally put in Flashers, let alone a gate. Thanks N&S, cheap

This is always the right answer. 

It’s cliché but I’ll always love Martini

Look good on anything.

I’ve been in exactly one situation where I wish I could have fully disabled traction control. I’m not Tiff Needell. I’m not that bothered that I can’t find out at what point my lack of skill causes me to crash.

Everything that i keep reading about this car is leading me to believe its going to be a bigger let down than the new NSX. As someone who owned an original NSX and a MKIV Supra, I have eagerly awaited these cars to where I had a deposit on the new NSX, i probably wont make the same mistake with this car.