For real. My dad coached almost all of my Little League baseball teams, and was the athletic director at my junior high and coached most of those teams, too.
For real. My dad coached almost all of my Little League baseball teams, and was the athletic director at my junior high and coached most of those teams, too.
well betweeen the stupid and the clogged arteries, shouldn’t this lot all be dead by now?
Get what shit together? I get that the Dems suck at propaganda, but VA’s election is basically proof that Americans are happy with Trumpism as long as it comes wrapped in softer language.
I grew up 1.3 miles away from her childhood home. Turns out, that part of town did not have British accents.
Yup, lots more.
Yeah, but in that one they took a few creative liberties with history, like how Oppenheimer was a janitor who became grossly disfigured by toxic waste and then went around beating bad guys up with a mop.
There have been numerous movies about the Manhattan Project, but presumably you are thinking of 1989's “Fat Man and Little Boy” (the code names of the bombs used on Japan). That focused on Paul Newman’s General Groves as the (administrative) head of the Manhattan Project.
Yes. Fatman and Little Boy.
Uh it is this kind of dumb shit that dilutes your message. For all the woker than thou The Draft really isn’t the slave auction piece. The part that is somewhat troublesome is The NFL Combine. In fact the physical aspect of that isn’t the issue it is the dumbass questions that GM’s & Owner’s ask these players the…
Tim Tebow was never, ever, ever making that team. While Kap has never received any offers of employment since the 2016 season ended, if he’d wanted to degrade himself by taking a sham of a tryout for PR reasons like Tebow did, he probably could have.
Once again they get it right, but at the same time they get it so, so wrong.
I’ve never been particularly fond of this analogy, especially considering that playing sports is an entirely voluntary act.
Fuck Josh Hawley.
Manfred may be unique in that as far as I can tell, he actively dislikes the sport he’s in charge of. Everything he’s done has been to the detriment of baseball.
The first thing Musk did after moving to Austin was bitch about housing prices in Austin.
Theres a lot of ways to describe Dr Drew, but “once beloved” is not one of them. The guy is a psychiatrist who has — for decades — been profiting off of broadcasting the lowest, most embarassing moments of his TV patients’ lives. He convinced them to waive their privacy for a small amount of money, knowing this public…
NIMBYs are pieces of shit. That is all.
And you all are surprised by this? I mean the same man that crawled out from his basement to make grainy videos attempting to hold the black vote hostage unless “his” demands were met is a Hotep? I mean other than a basketball league that no one asked for please tell me what O’Shea has done to uplift anyone other than…
“It was all a big misunderstanding. We were actually saying “Fund the police.”