
This feels like some form of penance to make the public forget about whatever the last thing Chet did was.

Chet's the only blot on this man's record.

The last time Dave Chappelle was funny he was still taking a paycheck from Comedy Central.  

 Worst porn movie ever


Yep. Might’ve had a shot at a split national title if they’d won that game, but got smoked by a UCLA team that came in like 6-4-1, I think? Oh well. Football has two primary functions around here: serves as the backdrop to some of the best tailgating in the country, and kills time until hoops starts.

I wouldn’t mind Eric Bienemy taking over at USC. (Like that’s going to happen.)

It’s a shame that it’s become impossible to talk about her without certain parties devolving into frothing rage, because Hillary Clinton really is a fascinating figure who could probably anchor a miniseries of her own.

I think the “unrealistic expectations” bit doesn’t really apply to schools that have multiple national titles in the last 20 years.

I may detest the current arc of Chappelle’s career, but at least there are still sparks of humanity in him. Jenner is a crass, empty shell of a human with no apparent driving factor besides desperately scrabbling in the dirt for the last fading scraps of her relevancy. I won’t regret it when she finally ducks out of


“Never be controlled by money,” says vapid, illiterate, abusive man whose entire persona revolves around having money

As Charles Barkley said please stop putting this ashy fool in the company of Muhammad Ali. A “leader” of who? Also as a NYC native I want to know who in the fuck bankrolled that bullshit in front of The Barclay’s Center Sunday? Sorry Y’all can believe this was some kind inspired protest all you want, real people know

Floyd Mayweather stay on the wrong side of shit. Power to the people? More like power to the fucking dumbasses.

Genuinely curious - why would you take issue with someone wearing Omega Psi colors for a role? 

Of course until the 1970s, most countries were in the opposite situation — they recognized Taiwan as the “real” China and treated Mao’s government as a rogue state. And that was before Taiwan was a democracy -- it was basically a fascist dictatorship under Chang kai-shek, but hey, at least it wasn’t Communist.

He also broke Colin Quinn’s Weekend Update sucking record.

I was pretty stunned that John Oliver went after China so hard (or more correctly, that the corporate legal group allowed him to) and it’s a great reminder why I love the guy.

If that nose gets any bigger it could declare itself a sovereign nation.

Taiwan is a wonderful country full of beautiful people and it will be an insanely tragic day if China does indeed ever flex their muscles. Even more tragic because at least to my knowledge Taiwan has some of - if not the - most liberal policies in East Asia, and so the lack of support and silence from supposed fellow