
Divorce is a human tragedy? Really? Usually it’s not it’s just normal life

I am going to look at the bigger picture here, his body wasn’t even dead for an hour before the Fox News, Anti Vaccine, this doesn’t work crowd began their shit. Here let me help you all before I tell you to go fuck yourselves:

Criticize him rightfully for his actions as SoS but he endorsed Obama and came out forcefully against Trump both times he ran.  

There’s that moment in...Skyfall?? Where Javier Bardem insinuates something sexual and Daniel Craig oozes back “what makes you think you’re my first,” with a confidence that always made me think it was not just acting. Even if he’s straight straight, I have no issue with allies at the gay bar as long as they’re not

If all he is doing is drinking and not harassing the other patrons, like for example hitting on the Lesbian couples, or making homophobic comments, then as lesbian leaning bi-woman, I say let him come in. I don’t care. In fact I would say that is him being a good ally, and allies are always welcome in LGBT spaces.

I truly believe that if Percy was large enough to consume me, he would. Gleefully.

Excellent! Wish nothing but the best for Aidy.

If Barrett’s 3pt shooting from last year turns out to be legit, I can see him having All-Star upside. Could be a more explosive version of Michael Redd.

I’m really glad to see Renner playing a dark complicated asshole again. He’s intensely watchable when he’s in this mode, and while I understand as an actor he wants to show his range, I think the decline in interest in him as a star (he’s not getting many leading man movie parts lately) has a lot to do with him trying

One takeaway from COVID (and some of the spicier sub-Reddits) is that they’ll just let anyone become a nurse.

If you’re a healthcare worker claiming that lots of people have died from the vaccine you are an idiot and I hope you lose your fucking job.

I’m a hralthcare worker

Nobody said that. Everyone knows anti-vaxxers are deluded crackpots. Which just so happens to encompass all the MAGA Chuds.  Subset, my dude.

That said. Nobody should be surprised that Mr.-Flat-Earth would buy into anti-vaxx nonsense. I can’t tell if the truly believes either or if he just likes the attention.

I chose to be unvaccinated, and that was my choice, and I would ask you all to just respect that choice.

Contrarian without a cause.

Oh fuck off. You and Dave both. Laying blame for someone’s suicide is fucking nonsense. What’s worse is that you’re both using it as a shield against criticism. How fucking cynical. How gross.

Define “edgy comedy”.

I hate learning how stupid so many celebrities are.

Remember the first season when it was called Navy: NCIS til someone realized the N stood for Navy. Good times.

Have never seen an episode.